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Get NFT Wallet



Returns a list of NFTs owned by the user. This includes both NFTs held in Kraken custody and NFTs from a Web3 wallet connected to the user's Kraken account. The method accepts various parameters that allow searching among NFTs, filtering them by certain attributes, and sorting.



    chain stringnullable

    Possible values: [Ethereum, Solana, Polygon]

    Optional blockchain identifier to filter the results.

    currency stringnullable

    Optional fiat currency used for converting crypto prices.

    custody stringnullable

    Possible values: [Kraken, Wallet]

    Optional custody type (Kraken/Web3) to filter the results.

    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    otp stringnullable
    page uint16

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 65536

    Default value: 1

    Page number with query results starting from one

    per_page uint16

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

    Default value: 5

    price_currency string
    price_high object

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    price_low object

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    search stringnullable

    Optional string to search in the NFT's title/description.

    sort stringnullable

    Possible values: [RecentlyBought, RarityRankLowToHigh, RarityRankHighToLow]

    Optional sorting parameter to order the results.

    status string[]nullable

    Possible values: [BuyNow, OnAuction, New, HasOffer]

    Optional list of statuses to filter the results.



    error string[]required
    result objectnullable
    items object[]required
  • Array [
  • best_offer objectnullable

    The highest bid in current auction or highest offer

    fiat objectnullable

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    native objectrequired

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    buy_now objectnullable

    Buy now price.

    fiat objectnullable

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    native objectrequired

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    collection objectnullable

    Collection that NFT belongs to (if any)

    floor_price objectnullable

    Floor price of the collection

    fiat objectnullable

    Floor price in fiat currency, specified by a user.

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    native objectnullable

    Floor price in native currency of a blockchain that this collection belongs to.

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    original objectrequired

    Floor price in original asset, without applying any exchange rates.

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    id stringrequired

    kraken internal collection identifier

    image objectnullable

    Main image

    kind stringrequired

    Possible values: [Main, Image, Animation, Video, TopBanner, Other]

    Role of this media relative to the catalog object.

    media objectnullable

    Exact copy of the original media, stored in a Kraken server.


    Danger: this contains arbitrary content from the internet and may be malicious. This should never be embedded directly inside a webpage. Proper care should be given if linking to this media (e.g. use rel="noopener").

    Despite these risks, the raw media is still exposed as it's the true copy of the blockchain media as retrieved by Kraken. Viewing it may help if processing introduced defects to the media.

    The value depends on MediaProcessingState: - Wait or Source: None - Process or Ready: Some

    media_type stringnullable

    Media type: image/png, image/jpeg, etc.

    size uint64nullable

    Full size of the content in bytes.

    Note that the actual transfer size may be smaller if compression is applied.

    url stringrequired

    URL for the content of this media.

    This is always served as HTTPS, either from the Kraken media server directly or from a Cloudflare Images subdomain.

    name stringrequired

    collection name

    total_items uint64required

    Number of items in the collection

    verified booleanrequired

    The collection was verified by Kraken.

    creators object[]required

    Creators of the NFT.

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Server side generated ID of the Creator.

    image objectnullable

    Main image

    kind stringrequired

    Possible values: [Main, Image, Animation, Video, TopBanner, Other]

    Role of this media relative to the catalog object.

    media objectnullable

    Exact copy of the original media, stored in a Kraken server.


    Danger: this contains arbitrary content from the internet and may be malicious. This should never be embedded directly inside a webpage. Proper care should be given if linking to this media (e.g. use rel="noopener").

    Despite these risks, the raw media is still exposed as it's the true copy of the blockchain media as retrieved by Kraken. Viewing it may help if processing introduced defects to the media.

    The value depends on MediaProcessingState: - Wait or Source: None - Process or Ready: Some

    media_type stringnullable

    Media type: image/png, image/jpeg, etc.

    size uint64nullable

    Full size of the content in bytes.

    Note that the actual transfer size may be smaller if compression is applied.

    url stringrequired

    URL for the content of this media.

    This is always served as HTTPS, either from the Kraken media server directly or from a Cloudflare Images subdomain.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the Creator.

    username stringnullable

    Username of the Creator.

    verified booleanrequired

    Verified by Kraken to have accurate data.

  • ]
  • custody object

    Custody type (if current user owns the token)



    Possible values: [Kraken, PendingKraken]

    description stringnullable

    Description of the NFT.

    id stringrequired

    Kraken's ID of NFT.

    image objectnullable

    Main Image.

    kind stringrequired

    Possible values: [Main, Image, Animation, Video, TopBanner, Other]

    Role of this media relative to the catalog object.

    media objectnullable

    Exact copy of the original media, stored in a Kraken server.


    Danger: this contains arbitrary content from the internet and may be malicious. This should never be embedded directly inside a webpage. Proper care should be given if linking to this media (e.g. use rel="noopener").

    Despite these risks, the raw media is still exposed as it's the true copy of the blockchain media as retrieved by Kraken. Viewing it may help if processing introduced defects to the media.

    The value depends on MediaProcessingState: - Wait or Source: None - Process or Ready: Some

    media_type stringnullable

    Media type: image/png, image/jpeg, etc.

    size uint64nullable

    Full size of the content in bytes.

    Note that the actual transfer size may be smaller if compression is applied.

    url stringrequired

    URL for the content of this media.

    This is always served as HTTPS, either from the Kraken media server directly or from a Cloudflare Images subdomain.

    is_owned_by_user booleanrequired

    True if token owned by current user

    last_auction_sale objectnullable

    Last sale in internal kraken auction.

    fiat objectnullable

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    native objectrequired

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    last_sale_or_mint objectnullable

    The most recent price sold (or price minted if never sold).

    price objectrequired

    If type is Sale - price of the sale

    fiat objectnullable

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    native objectrequired

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    transfer_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [mint, transfer, burn, sale]

    type of a transfer (Minted, Sale, Transfer)

    media object[]required

    All media for this NFT.

  • Array [
  • kind stringrequired

    Possible values: [Main, Image, Animation, Video, TopBanner, Other]

    Role of this media relative to the catalog object.

    media objectnullable

    Exact copy of the original media, stored in a Kraken server.


    Danger: this contains arbitrary content from the internet and may be malicious. This should never be embedded directly inside a webpage. Proper care should be given if linking to this media (e.g. use rel="noopener").

    Despite these risks, the raw media is still exposed as it's the true copy of the blockchain media as retrieved by Kraken. Viewing it may help if processing introduced defects to the media.

    The value depends on MediaProcessingState: - Wait or Source: None - Process or Ready: Some

    media_type stringnullable

    Media type: image/png, image/jpeg, etc.

    size uint64nullable

    Full size of the content in bytes.

    Note that the actual transfer size may be smaller if compression is applied.

    url stringrequired

    URL for the content of this media.

    This is always served as HTTPS, either from the Kraken media server directly or from a Cloudflare Images subdomain.

  • ]
  • name stringrequired

    Name of the NFT.

    on_sale_status stringrequired

    Possible values: [Invalid, NotListed, Pending, Listed, SaleInProgress]

    On sale status for the NFT.

    price objectrequired

    Estimated price of NFT.

    fiat objectnullable

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    native objectrequired

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose

    rarity_rank uint64nullable

    Rarity rank of NFT.

    token object

    On-chain identifier of NFT.

    address stringrequired

    ETH contract address that minted the NFT.

    blockchain objectrequired

    Blockchain details

    asset stringrequired
    id stringrequired

    Possible values: [Ethereum, Solana, Polygon]

    id stringrequired

    Token ID.

    owner stringnullable

    Owner address

    standard stringnullable

    Possible values: [CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, ERC-721, ERC-1155]

    Token Standard

    symbol stringnullable

    Token symbol is optional because because it is missing in ERC-1155.

  • ]
  • total uint64required
    total_value objectrequired

    AssetAmount contains asset_id and amount bound in one struct

    amount object required

    An amount, either as a string, and integer, or a decimal value



    asset_alt_name stringrequired

    alt_name is handy when interacting with Kraken API

    asset_name stringrequired

    user friendly asset name for display purpose
