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Get Ledgers Info



Retrieve information about ledger entries. 50 results are returned at a time, the most recent by default.

Note on Staking/Earn assets: We have begun to migrate assets from our legacy Staking system over to a new Earn system. As such, the following assets may appear in your balances and ledger. Please see our Support article for more details. Note that these assets are "read-only", to interact with your balances in them please use the base asset (e.g. USDT to transact with your USDT and USDT.F balances).

  • .B, which represents balances in new yield-bearing products, similar to .S (staked) and .M (opt-in rewards) balances
  • .F, which represents balances earning automatically in Kraken Rewards

API Key Permissions Required: Data - Query ledger entries



    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    asset string

    Default value: all

    Filter output by asset or comma delimited list of assets

    aclass string

    Default value: currency

    Filter output by asset class

    type string

    Possible values: [all, trade, deposit, withdrawal, transfer, margin, adjustment, rollover, credit, settled, staking, dividend, sale, nft_rebate]

    Default value: all

    Type of ledger to retrieve

    start integer

    Starting unix timestamp or ledger ID of results (exclusive)

    end integer

    Ending unix timestamp or ledger ID of results (inclusive)

    ofs integer

    Result offset for pagination

    without_count boolean

    If true, does not retrieve count of ledger entries. Request can be noticeably faster for users with many ledger entries as this avoids an extra database query.


Ledgers info retrieved.

    result object

    Ledgers Info

    ledger object
    property name* LedgerEntry

    Ledger Entry

    refid string

    Reference Id

    time number

    Unix timestamp of ledger

    type string

    Possible values: [none, trade, deposit, withdrawal, transfer, margin, adjustment, rollover, spend, receive, settled, credit, staking, reward, dividend, sale, conversion, nfttrade, nftcreatorfee, nftrebate, custodytransfer]

    Type of ledger entry

    subtype string

    Additional info relating to the ledger entry type, where applicable

    aclass string

    Asset class

    asset string


    amount string

    Transaction amount

    fee string

    Transaction fee

    balance string

    Resulting balance

    count integer

    Amount of available ledger info matching criteria

    error string[]