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Edit Order



Edit volume and price on open orders. Uneditable orders include triggered stop/profit orders, orders with conditional close terms attached, those already cancelled or filled, and those where the executed volume is greater than the newly supplied volume. post-only flag is not retained from original order after successful edit. post-only needs to be explicitly set on edit request.

Note: See the AssetPairs endpoint for details on the available trading pairs, their price and quantity precisions, order minimums, available leverage, etc.

API Key Permissions Required: Orders and trades - Create & modify orders and Orders and trades - Cancel & close orders



    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    userref int32

    User reference id

    userref is an optional user-specified integer id associated with edit request.

    Note: userref from parent order will not be retained on the new order after edit.

    txid object required

    Original Order ID or User Reference Id (userref) which is user-specified integer id used with the original order. If userref is not unique and was used with multiple order, edit request is denied with an error.



    volume string

    Order quantity in terms of the base asset.

    displayvol string

    For iceberg orders only, it defines the quantity to show in the book while the rest of order quantity remains hidden. Minimum value is 1 / 15 of volume.

    pair stringrequired

    Asset pair id or altname

    price string


    • Limit price for limit and iceberg orders
    • Trigger price for stop-loss, stop-loss-limit, take-profit, take-profit-limit, trailing-stop and trailing-stop-limit orders


    • Relative Prices: Either price or price2 can be preceded by +, -, or # to specify the order price as an offset relative to the last traded price. + adds the amount to, and - subtracts the amount from the last traded price. # will either add or subtract the amount to the last traded price, depending on the direction and order type used. Prices can also be suffixed with a % to signify the relative amount as a percentage, rather than an absolute price difference.
    • Trailing Stops: Must use a relative price for this field, namely the + prefix, from which the direction will be automatic based on if the original order is a buy or sell (no need to use - or #). The % suffix also works for these order types to use a relative percentage price.
    price2 string

    Secondary Price:

    • Limit price for stop-loss-limit, take-profit-limit and trailing-stop-limit orders Note:
    • Trailing Stops: Must use a relative price for this field, namely one of the + or - prefixes. This will provide the offset from the trigger price to the limit price, i.e. +0 would set the limit price equal to the trigger price. The % suffix also works for this field to use a relative percentage limit price.

    Comma delimited list of order flags. Only these flags can be changed: - post post-only order (available when ordertype = limit). All the flags from the parent order are retained except post-only. post-only needs to be explicitly mentioned on edit request.

    deadline string

    RFC3339 timestamp (e.g. 2021-04-01T00:18:45Z) after which the matching engine should reject the new order request, in presence of latency or order queueing. min now() + 2 seconds, max now() + 60 seconds.

    cancel_response boolean

    Used to interpret if client wants to receive pending replace, before the order is completely replaced

    validate boolean

    Validate inputs only. Do not submit order.


Order edited.

    result object
    descr object

    Order description info

    order string

    Order description

    txid string

    New Transaction ID
    (if order was added successfully)

    newuserref string

    Original userref if passed with the request

    olduserref string

    Original userref if passed with the request

    orders_cancelled integer

    Number of orders cancelled (either 0 or 1)

    originaltxid string

    Original transaction ID

    status string

    Status of the order: Ok or Err

    volume string

    Updated volume

    price string

    Updated price

    price2 string

    Updated price2

    error_message string

    Error message if unsuccessful

    error array[]