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Get Tradable Asset Pairs



Get tradable asset pairs


Query Parameters

    pair string

    Asset pairs to get data for

    Example: BTC/USD,ETH/BTC
    info string

    Possible values: [info, leverage, fees, margin]

    Default value: info

    Info to retrieve (optional)

    • info = all info
    • leverage = leverage info
    • fees = fees schedule
    • margin = margin info
    country_code string

    Filter for response to only include pairs available in provided countries/regions

    Example: US:TX,GB,CA


Tradable asset pairs retrieved.

    result object

    Pair names and their info

    property name* AssetPair

    Trading Asset Pair

    altname string

    Alternate pair name

    wsname string

    WebSocket pair name (if available)

    aclass_base string

    Asset class of base component

    base string

    Asset ID of base component

    aclass_quote string

    Asset class of quote component

    quote string

    Asset ID of quote component

    lot stringdeprecated

    Volume lot size

    pair_decimals integer

    Number of decimal places for prices in this pair

    cost_decimals integer

    Number of decimal places for cost of trades in pair (quote asset terms)

    lot_decimals integer

    Number of decimal places for volume (base asset terms)

    lot_multiplier integer

    Amount to multiply lot volume by to get currency volume

    leverage_buy integer[]

    Array of leverage amounts available when buying

    leverage_sell integer[]

    Array of leverage amounts available when selling

    fees array[]

    Fee schedule array in [<volume>, <percent fee>] tuples

    fees_maker array[]

    Maker fee schedule array in [<volume>, <percent fee>] tuples (if on maker/taker)

    fee_volume_currency string

    Volume discount currency

    margin_call integer

    Margin call level

    margin_stop integer

    Stop-out/liquidation margin level

    ordermin string

    Minimum order size (in terms of base currency)

    costmin string

    Minimum order cost (in terms of quote currency)

    tick_size string

    Minimum increment between valid price levels

    status string

    Status of asset. Possible values: online, cancel_only, post_only, limit_only, reduce_only.

    long_position_limit integer

    Maximum long margin position size (in terms of base currency)

    short_position_limit integer

    Maximum short margin position size (in terms of base currency)

    error string[]