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Get Asset Info



Get information about the assets that are available for deposit, withdrawal, trading and earn.


Query Parameters

    asset string

    Comma delimited list of assets to get info on (optional, default all available assets)

    Example: XBT,ETH
    aclass string

    Asset class (optional, default: currency)

    Example: currency


Asset info retrieved.

    result object
    property name* AssetInfo

    Asset Info

    aclass string

    Asset Class

    altname string

    Alternate name

    decimals integer

    Number of decimal places for record keeping amounts of this asset

    display_decimals integer

    Number of decimal places shown for display purposes in frontends

    collateral_value number

    Valuation as margin collateral (if applicable)

    status string

    Status of asset. Possible values: enabled, deposit_only, withdrawal_only, funding_temporarily_disabled.

    error string[]