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Get Status of Recent Withdrawals



Retrieve information about recent withdrawals. Results are sorted by recency, use the cursor parameter to iterate through list of withdrawals (page size equal to value of limit) from newest to oldest.

API Key Permissions Required: Funds permissions - Withdraw or Data - Query ledger entries



    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    asset string

    Filter for specific asset being withdrawn

    aclass string

    Default value: currency

    Filter for specific asset class being withdrawn

    method string

    Filter for specific name of withdrawal method

    start string

    Start timestamp, withdrawals created strictly before will not be included in the response

    end string

    End timestamp, withdrawals created strictly after will be not be included in the response

    cursor object

    true/false to enable/disable paginated response (boolean) or cursor for next page of results (string), default false



    limit integer

    Default value: 500

    Number of results to include per page


Recent withdrawals retrieved.

    result object[]
  • Array [
  • method string

    Name of withdrawal method

    network string

    Network name based on the funding method used

    aclass string

    Asset class

    asset string


    refid string

    Reference ID

    txid string

    Method transaction ID

    info string

    Method transaction information

    amount string

    Amount withdrawn


    Fees paid

    time int32

    Unix timestamp when request was made

    status string

    Possible values: [Initial, Pending, Settled, Success, Failure]

    Status of withdraw
    For information about the status, please refer to the IFEX financial transaction states.

    status-prop string

    Possible values: [cancel-pending, canceled, cancel-denied, return, onhold]

    Addition status properties (if available)

    • cancel-pending cancelation requested
    • canceled canceled
    • cancel-denied cancelation requested but was denied
    • return a return transaction initiated by Kraken; it cannot be canceled
    • onhold withdrawal is on hold pending review
    key string

    Withdrawal key name, as set up on your account

  • ]
  • error string[]