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Get OHLC Data



Retrieve OHLC market data. The last entry in the OHLC array is for the current, not-yet-committed timeframe, and will always be present, regardless of the value of since. Returns up to 720 of the most recent entries (older data cannot be retrieved, regardless of the value of since).


Query Parameters

    pair stringrequired

    Asset pair to get data for

    Example: XBTUSD
    interval integer

    Possible values: [1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 21600]

    Default value: 1

    Time frame interval in minutes

    Example: 60
    since integer

    Return OHLC entries since the given timestamp (intended for incremental updates)

    Example: 1688671200


OHLC data retrieved.

    result object
    last integer

    ID to be used as since when polling for new, committed OHLC data

    property name* TickData

    Possible values: >= 8, <= 8

    Array of tick data arrays [int <time>, string <open>, string <high>, string <low>, string <close>, string <vwap>, string <volume>, int <count>]

  • Array [
  • type
    items object

    Possible values: >= 8, <= 8



  • ]
  • error string[]