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Get Withdrawal Addresses



Retrieve a list of withdrawal addresses available for the user.

API Key Permissions Required: Funds permissions - Query and Funds permissions - Withdraw



    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    asset string

    Filter addresses for specific asset

    aclass string

    Default value: currency

    Filter addresses for specific asset class

    method string

    Filter addresses for specific method

    key string

    Find address for by withdrawal key name, as set up on your account

    verified boolean

    Filter by verification status of the withdrawal address. Withdrawal addresses successfully completing email confirmation will have a verification status of true.


Withdrawal addresses retrieved.

    result object[]

    Withdrawal Addresses

  • Array [
  • address string

    Withdrawal address

    asset string

    Name of asset being withdrawn

    method string

    Name of the withdrawal method

    key string

    Withdrawal key name, as set up on your account

    tag string

    Contains tags for XRP deposit addresses and memos for STX, XLM, and EOS deposit addresses

    verified boolean

    Verification status of withdrawal address

  • ]
  • error string[]