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Deallocate Earn Funds



Deallocate funds from a strategy.

Requires the Earn Funds API key permission. The amount must always be defined.

This method is asynchronous. A couple of preflight checks are performed synchronously on behalf of the method before it is dispatched further. If the method returns HTTP 202 code, the client is required to poll the result using the /Earn/DeallocateStatus endpoint.

There can be only one (de)allocation request in progress for given user and strategy. While the operation is in progress:

  1. pending attribute in Allocations response for the strategy will hold the amount that is being deallocated (negative amount)
  2. pending attribute in DeallocateStatus response will be true.

Following specific errors within Earnings class can be returned by this method:

  • Minimum allocation: EEarnings:Below min:(De)allocation operation amount less than minimum allowed
  • Allocation in progress: EEarnings:Busy:Another (de)allocation for the same strategy is in progress
  • Strategy not found: EGeneral:Invalid arguments:Invalid strategy ID



    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    amount stringrequired

    The amount to deallocate. This field is required.

    strategy_id stringrequired

    A unique identifier per earn strategy.



    error string[]
    result booleannullable

    Will return true when the operation is successful, null when an error occurred.
