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Add Order



add_orderAuthentication Required

Sends a single, new order into the exchange. A range of order types, Time-In-Force (TIF) and order flags can be specified by the parameters below.

For triggered order types (stop-loss, take-profit, trailing-stop), the triggers section contains the parameters for price tracking and trigger thresholds.

For One-Triggers-Other (OTO) orders, the conditional section contains the parameters to add a secondary close order to the primary order.



method string required
Value: add_order
params object
order_type string required
Possible values: [limit, market, iceberg, stop-loss, stop-loss-limit, take-profit, take-profit-limit, trailing-stop, trailing-stop-limit, settle-position]
The execution model of the order.
  • market: The full order quantity executes immediately at the best available price in the order book.
  • limit: The full order quantity is placed immediately with a limit price restriction to only trade at this price or better.
  • stop-loss: A market order is triggered when the reference price reaches the stop price (from an unfavourable direction).
  • stop-loss-limit: A limit order is triggered when the reference price reaches the stop price (from an unfavourable direction).
  • take-profit: A market order is triggered when the reference price reaches the stop price (from an favourable direction).
  • take-profit-limit: A limit order is triggered when the reference price reaches the stop price (from an favourable direction).
  • trailing-stop: A market order is triggered when the market reverts a specified distance from the peak price.
  • trailing-stop-limit: A limit order is triggered when the market reverts a specified distance from the peak price.
  • iceberg: Hides the full order size by only showing your chosen display size in the book at your limit price.
side string required
Possible values: [buy, sell]
Side of the order.
order_qty float required
Order quantity in terms of the base asset.
symbol string required
Example: "BTC/USD"
The symbol of the currency pair.
limit_price float
Limit price for order types that support limit price restriction.
limit_price_type string conditional
Condition: Only available on trailing-stop-limit orders.
Possible values: [static, pct, quote]
Default value: quote
The units for the limit price.
  • static: a static market price for the asset, i.e. 30000 for BTC/USD.
  • pct: a percentage offset from the reference price, i.e. -10% from index price.
  • quote: a notional offset from the reference price in the quote currency, i.e, 150 BTC/USD from last price
Note, for trailing-stop-limit order type, the value represents offset from the trigger price. 0 would set a limit price the same as the trigger price.
triggers object conditional
Condition: Required for triggered order types only.
The parameters for setting the trigger price conditions.
reference string
Possible values: [index, last]
Default value: last
The reference price to track for triggering orders.
  • index: the index price in the broader market (for this pair). Note, to keep triggers serviceable during connectivity issues with external index feeds, the last price will be used as the reference price.
  • last: the last traded price in the Kraken order book (for this pair).
price float required
Specifies the amount for the trigger price - it supports both static market prices and relative prices. This field is used in combination with the price_type field below to determine the effective trigger price.
  • To trigger at 29000.5 BTC/USD, use price=29000.5, price_type=static.
  • To trigger when price rises by 5%, use price=5, price_type=pct.
  • To trigger when price drops by 150 USD, use price=-150, price_type=quote.
price_type string
Possible values: [static, pct, quote]
Default value: static
The units for the trigger price.
  • static: a static market price for the asset, i.e. 30000 for BTC/USD.
  • pct: a percentage offset from the reference price, i.e. -10% from index price.
  • quote: a notional offset from the reference price in the quote currency, i.e, 150 BTC/USD from last price
Note, for trailing-stop and trailing-stop-limit order types, the price represents the reversion from the peak. It is always a positive value with pct or quote offset.
time_in_force string
Possible values: [gtc, gtd, ioc]
Default value: gtc
Time-in-force specifies how long an order remains in effect before being expired.
  • gtc: Good Till Canceled - until user has cancelled.
  • gtd: Good Till Date - until expire_time parameter.
  • ioc: Immediate Or Cancel - immediately cancels back any quantity that cannot be filled on arrival.
margin boolean
Possible values: [false, true]
Default value: false
Funds the order on margin using the maximum leverage for the pair (maximum is leverage of 5).
post_only boolean conditional
Condition: Orders with limit price only.
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: false
Cancels the order if it will take liquidity on arrival. Post only orders will always be posted passively in the book.
reduce_only boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: false
Reduces an existing margin position without opening an opposite long or short position worth more than the current value of your leveraged assets.
effective_time string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59Z
Scheduled start time (precision to seconds).
expire_time string conditional
Condition: GTD orders only.
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59Z
Expiration time of the order (precision to seconds). GTD orders can have an expiry time up to one month in future.
deadline string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123Z
Range of valid offsets (from current time) is 500 milliseconds to 60 seconds, default is 5 seconds. The precision of this parameter is to the millisecond. The engine will prevent this order from matching after this time, it provides protection against latency on time sensitive orders.
cl_ord_id string

Adds a alphanumeric client order identifier which uniquely identifies an open order for each client. This field is mutually exclusive with order_userref parameter.

The cl_ord_id parameter can be one of the following formats:
  • Long UUID: 6d1b345e-2821-40e2-ad83-4ecb18a06876 32 hex characters separated with 4 dashes.
  • Short UUID: da8e4ad59b78481c93e589746b0cf91f 32 hex characters with no dashes.
  • Free text: arb-20240509-00010 Free format ascii text up to 18 characters.
order_userref integer

This is an optional non-unique, numeric identifier which can associated with a number of orders by the client. This field is mutually exclusive with cl_ord_id parameter.

Many clients choose a unique integer value generated by their systems (i.e. a timestamp). However, because we don't enforce uniqueness on our side, it can also be used to easily tag a group of orders for querying or cancelling.
conditional object
The conditional parameters are used as a template for generating the secondary close orders when the primary order fills. Each fill on the primary order will generate a new secondary order. The size of the secondary order will be the same size as the executed quantity and have the opposite side.
order_type string
Possible values: [limit, stop-loss, stop-loss-limit, take-profit, take-profit-limit, trailing-stop, trailing-stop-limit]
Defines the order type of the secondary close orders which will be created on each fill.
limit_price float
Defines the limit price on the secondary close orders. Only required on secondary order types that support limit price: limit, stop-loss-limit, take-profit-limit.
limit_price_type string conditional
Condition: Only available on trailing-stop-limit orders.
Possible values: [static, pct, quote]
Default value: quote
The units for the limit price on the secondary order.
  • static: a static market price for the asset, i.e. 30000 for BTC/USD.
  • pct: a percentage offset from the reference price, i.e. -10% from index price.
  • quote: a notional offset from the reference price in the quote currency, i.e, 150 BTC/USD from last price
Note, for trailing-stop-limit order type, the value represents offset from the trigger price. 0 would set a limit price the same as the trigger price.
trigger_price float
Specifies the amount for the trigger price - it supports both static market prices and relative prices. This field is used in combination with the price_type field below to determine the effective trigger price.
  • To trigger at 29000.5 BTC/USD, use price=29000.5, price_type=static.
  • To trigger when price rises by 5%, use price=5, price_type=pct.
  • To trigger when price drops by 150 USD, use price=-150, price_type=quote.
Note, for trailing-stop and trailing-stop-limit order types, the price represents the reversion from the peak. It is always a positive offset value.
trigger_price_type string
Possible values: [static, pct, quote]
Default value: static
The units for the trigger price.
  • static: a static market price for the asset, i.e. 30000 for BTC/USD.
  • pct: a percentage offset from the reference price, i.e. -10% from index price.
  • quote: a notional offset from the reference price in the quote currency, i.e, 150 BTC/USD from last price
stop_price float deprecated
Deprecated Usage: Use trigger_price
Defines the trigger price on the secondary close orders. Only required on triggered secondary order types: stop-loss, stop-loss-limit, take-profit, take-profit-limit.
display_qty float conditional
Condition: iceberg orders only.
Defines the quantity to show in the book while the rest of order quantity remains hidden.
Minimum value is 1 / 15 of order_qty.
fee_preference string
Possible values: [base, quote]
Fee preference base or quote currency. quote is the default for buy orders, base is the default for sell orders.
no_mpp boolean conditional
Condition: Market orders only.
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: false
Disables Market Price Protection (MPP) if set to true. MPP is a feature that protects market orders from filling at a bad price due to price slippage in an illiquid or volatile market. See MPP support article.
stp_type string
Possible values: [cancel_newest, cancel_oldest, cancel_both]
Default value: cancel_newest
Self Trade Prevention (STP) is a protection feature to prevent users from inadvertently or deliberately trading against themselves. To prevent a self-match, one of the following STP modes can be used to define which order(s) will be expired:
  • cancel_newest: arriving order will be canceled.
  • cancel_oldest: resting order will be canceled.
  • cancel_both: both arriving and resting orders will be canceled.
cash_order_qty float conditional
Condition: Buy market orders without margin funding.
Order volume expressed in quote currency.
validate boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: false
If set to true the order will be validated only, it will not trade in the matching engine.
sender_sub_id string conditional
Condition: For institutional accounts with enhanced Self Trade Prevention (STP)

Adds a alphanumeric sub-account/trader identifier which enables STP to be performed at a more granular level.

The sender_sub_id parameter can be one of the following formats:
  • Long UUID: 6d1b345e-2821-40e2-ad83-4ecb18a06876 32 hex characters separated with 4 dashes.
  • Short UUID: da8e4ad59b78481c93e589746b0cf91f 32 hex characters with no dashes.
  • Free text: arb-20240509-00010 Free format ascii text up to 18 characters.
stop_price float deprecated
Deprecated Usage: Use 'triggers' object.
The stop price for trigger order types.
trigger string deprecated
Deprecated Usage: Use 'triggers' object.
Possible values: [last, index]
Default value: last
The reference price to trigger the order.
  • index: the index price for the broader market for this symbol.
  • last: the last traded price in the order book for this symbol.
token string required
This is a authenticated channel, a session token is required. See guides on how to generate a token via REST.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.



method string
Value: add_order
result object conditional
Condition: On successful requests only
order_id string
Unique order identifier generated by Kraken.
cl_ord_id string
An optional, alphanumeric identifier specified by the client in the add_order parameters.
order_userref integer
An optional non-unique, numeric identifier specified by the client in the add_order parameters.
warnings array of strings
An advisory message, highlighting deprecated fields or upcoming changes to the request.
error string conditional
Condition: On unsuccessful requests only
The error message for a rejected request.
success boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Indicates if the request was successfully processed by the engine.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.
time_in string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the request was received on the wire, just prior to parsing data.
time_out string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the response was sent on the wire, just prior to transmitting data.