Order Management
📄️ Batch order management
This endpoint allows sending limit or stop order(s) and/or cancelling open order(s) and/or
📄️ Cancel all orders
This endpoint allows cancelling orders which are associated with a future's contract or a
📄️ Dead man's switch
This endpoint provides a Dead Man's Switch mechanism to protect the user from network malfunctions. The user can send a request with a timeout in seconds which will trigger a countdown timer that will cancel all user orders when timeout expires. The user has to keep sending request to push back the timeout expiration or they can deactivate the mechanism by specifying a timeout of zero (0).
📄️ Cancel order
This endpoint allows cancelling an open order for a Futures contract.
📄️ Edit order
This endpoint allows editing an existing order for a currently listed Futures contract.
📄️ Get open orders
This endpoint returns information on all open orders for all Futures contracts.
📄️ Send order
This endpoint allows sending a limit, stop, take profit or immediate-or-cancel order for a
📄️ Get Specific Orders' Status
Returns information on specified orders which are open or were filled/cancelled in the last
📄️ Get initial margin requirements
Returns initial margin requirements based on given order parameters.
📄️ Get maximum order size
This endpoint is only supported for multi-collateral futures.