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Get open orders



This endpoint returns information on all open orders for all Futures contracts.


    serverTime string

    Server time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    result string

    Possible values: [success]

    openOrders object[]

    A list containing structures with information on open orders. The list is sorted descending by receivedTime.

  • Array [
  • order_id uuid

    The unique identifier of the order.

    cliOrdId stringnull

    The unique client order identifier. This field is returned only if the order has a client order ID.

    status string

    Possible values: [untouched, partiallyFilled]

    The status of the order:

    • untouched - the entire size of the order is unfilled
    • partiallyFilled - the size of the order is partially but not entirely filled
    side string

    Possible values: [buy, sell]

    The direction of the order.

    orderType string

    Possible values: [lmt, stop, take_profit]

    The order type:

    • lmt - limit order
    • stp - stop order
    • take_profit - take profit order
    symbol string

    The symbol of the futures to which the order refers.

    limitPrice numbernull

    The limit price associated with the order.

    stopPrice numbernull

    If orderType is stp: The stop price associated with the order

    If orderType is lmt: Not returned because N/A

    filledSize numbernull

    The filled size associated with the order.

    unfilledSize number

    The unfilled size associated with the order.

    reduceOnly boolean

    Is the order a reduce only order or not.

    triggerSignal stringnull

    Possible values: [mark, last, spot]

    The trigger signal for the stop or take profit order.

    lastUpdateTime string

    The date and time the order was last updated.

    receivedTime string

    The date and time the order was received.

  • ]