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This endpoint returns key information relating to all your accounts which may either be cash accounts or margin accounts. This includes digital asset balances, instrument balances, margin requirements, margin trigger estimates and auxiliary information such as available funds, PnL of open positions and portfolio value.


    serverTime string

    Server time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    result string

    Possible values: [success]

    accounts object

    A structure containing structures with account-related information for all margin and cash accounts.

    cash object
    type string

    Possible values: [cashAccount]

    The type of the account (always cashAccount)

    balances object

    A structure containing account balances.

    property name* number
    flex object

    Structure showing multi-collateral wallet details.

    type string

    Possible values: [multiCollateralMarginAccount]

    The type of the account (always multiCollateralMarginAccount)

    currencies object

    Structure with collateral currency details.

    property name* FlexCurrencySummary
    quantity number

    Quantity of asset.

    value number

    USD value of asset.

    collateral number

    USD value of the asset usable for margin (Asset Value * Haircut).

    available number

    Margin (in base currency) available for trading.

    initialMargin number

    Total initial margin held for open positions (USD).

    initialMarginWithOrders number

    Total initial margin held for open positions and open orders (USD).

    maintenanceMargin number

    Total maintenance margin held for open positions (USD).

    balanceValue number

    USD value of all collateral in multi-collateral wallet.

    portfolioValue number

    Balance value plus unrealised PnL in USD.

    collateralValue number

    USD value of balances in account usable for margin (Balance Value * Haircut).

    pnl number

    Unrealised PnL in USD.

    unrealizedFunding number

    Unrealised funding from funding rate (USD).

    totalUnrealized number

    Total USD value of unrealised funding and unrealised PnL.

    totalUnrealizedAsMargin number

    Unrealised pnl and unrealised funding that is usable as margin `[(Unrealised Profit/Loss

    • Unrealised Funding Rate) * Haircut - Conversion Fee]`.
    availableMargin number

    Margin Equity - Total Initial Margin.

    marginEquity number

    [Balance Value in USD * (1-Haircut)] + (Total Unrealised Profit/Loss as Margin in USD)

    property name* MarginAccount
    type string

    Possible values: [marginAccount]

    The type of the account (always marginAccount)

    currency stringnull

    The currency of the account. All figures shown in auxiliary and marginRequirements are in this currency.

    balances object

    A structure containing account balances.

    property name* number
    auxiliary object

    A structure containing auxiliary account information.

    usd number
    pv number

    The portfolio value of the account, in currency.

    pnl number

    The PnL of current open positions of the account, in currency.

    af number

    The available funds of the account, in currency.

    funding number
    marginRequirements object

    A structure containing the account's margin requirements.

    im number

    The initial margin requirement of the account.

    mm number

    The maintenance margin requirement of the account.

    lt number

    The liquidation threshold of the account.

    tt number

    The termination threshold of the account

    triggerEstimates object

    A structure containing the account's margin trigger estimates.

    im number

    The initial margin requirement of the account.

    mm number

    The maintenance margin requirement of the account.

    lt number

    The liquidation threshold of the account.

    tt number

    The termination threshold of the account
