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Cancel all orders



This endpoint allows cancelling orders which are associated with a future's contract or a margin account. If no arguments are specified all open orders will be cancelled.



    symbol string

    A futures product to cancel all open orders.


    serverTime string

    Server time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    result string

    Possible values: [success]

    cancelStatus object

    A structure containing information on the cancellation request.

    cancelOnly string

    The symbol of the futures or all.

    cancelledOrders object[]

    A list of structures containing all the successfully cancelled orders.

  • Array [
  • cliOrdId stringnull

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Unique client order identifier.

    order_id uuid

    Order ID.

  • ]
  • orderEvents object[]
  • Array [
  • type ApiOrderEventType (string)

    Possible values: [place, cancel, edit, reject, execution]

    Always cancel.

    uid string

    The uid associated with the order.

    order object
    orderId string

    The UID associated with the order.

    cliOrdId stringnull

    The client order id or null if order does not have one.

    type string

    Possible values: [lmt, ioc, post, liquidation, assignment, stp, unwind, block]

    The order type

    symbol string

    The symbol of the Futures.

    side string

    Possible values: [buy, sell]

    The side associated with the order

    quantity number

    The quantity (size) associated with the order.

    filled number

    The total amount of the order that has been filled.

    limitPrice number

    The limit price associated with a limit order.

    reduceOnly boolean

    Is the order a reduce only order or not.

    timestamp string

    The date and time the order was placed.

    lastUpdateTimestamp string

    The date and time the order was edited.

  • ]
  • receivedTime string

    The date and time the order cancellation was received.

    status string

    Possible values: [noOrdersToCancel, cancelled]

    The status of the order cancellation:

    • cancelled - successful cancellation
    • noOrdersToCancel - no open orders for cancellation