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Get ticker by symbol



Get market data for contract or index by symbol


Path Parameters

    symbol stringrequired

    Instrument symbol


    serverTime string

    Server time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    result string

    Possible values: [success]

    ticker object
    last number

    For futures: The price of the last fill

    For indices: The last calculated value

    lastTime string

    The date and time at which last was observed.

    symbol stringrequired

    The symbol of the Futures.

    tag stringrequired

    For futures: Currently can be 'perpetual', 'month' or 'quarter'. Other tags may be added without notice

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    pair stringrequired

    For futures: The currency pair of the instrument

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    markPrice numberrequired

    For futures: The price to which Kraken Futures currently marks the Futures for margining purposes

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    bid number

    For futures: The price of the current best bid

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    bidSize number

    For futures: The size of the current best bid

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    ask number

    For futures: The price of the current best ask

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    askSize number

    For futures: The size of the current best ask

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    vol24h numberrequired

    For futures: The sum of the sizes of all fills observed in the last 24 hours

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    volumeQuote numberrequired

    For futures: The sum of the size * price of all fills observed in the last 24 hours

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    openInterest numberrequired

    For futures: The current open interest of the instrument

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    open24h number

    For futures: The price of the fill observed 24 hours ago

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    lastSize number

    For futures: The size of the last fill

    For indices: Not returned because N/A

    fundingRate number

    The current absolute funding rate.

    fundingRatePrediction number

    The estimated next absolute funding rate.

    suspended booleanrequired

    True if the market is suspended, False otherwise.

    indexPrice numberrequired
    postOnly booleanrequired
    change24h numberrequired

    The 24h change in price (%)
