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Get public order events



Lists order events for a market.


Path Parameters

    tradeable stringrequired

Query Parameters

    since timestamp-milliseconds

    Timestamp in milliseconds.

    before timestamp-milliseconds

    Timestamp in milliseconds.

    sort string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: desc

    Determines the order of events in response(s).

    • asc = chronological
    • desc = reverse-chronological
    continuation_token base64

    Opaque token from the Next-Continuation-Token header used to continue listing events. The sort parameter must be the same as in the previous request to continue listing in the same direction.

    count int64

    Possible values: >= 1

    The maximum number of results to return. The upper bound is determined by a global limit.


    len uint64required
    elements object[]required
  • Array [
  • uid stringrequired
    timestamp timestamp-millisecondsrequired
    event object required
    OrderPlaced objectrequired
    order objectrequired
    uid uuidrequired
    tradeable stringrequired
    direction stringrequired

    Possible values: [Buy, Sell]

    quantity big-decimalrequired
    timestamp timestamp-millisecondsrequired
    limitPrice big-decimalrequired
    orderType stringrequired
    reduceOnly booleanrequired
    lastUpdateTimestamp timestamp-millisecondsrequired
    reason stringrequired
    reducedQuantity stringrequired

    always empty string

  • ]
  • continuationToken base64

    Opaque token to pass to the next request to continue listing events. The sort parameter must be the same as in the previous request to continue listing in the same direction.
