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Get notifications



This endpoint provides the platform's notifications.


    serverTime string

    Server time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    result string

    Possible values: [success]

    notifications object[]

    A list containing the notifications.

  • Array [
  • effectiveTime string

    The time that notification is taking effect.

    note string

    The notification note. A short description about the specific notification.

    priority string

    Possible values: [low, medium, high]

    The notification priorities:

    • low
    • medium
    • high

    If priority == "high" then it implies downtime will occur at effective_time when type == "maintenance".

    type string

    Possible values: [new_feature, bug_fix, settlement, general, maintenance, market]

    The notification types:

    • market
    • general
    • new_feature
    • bug_fix
    • maintenance
    • settlement

    If type == "maintenance" then it implies downtime will occur at effective_time if priority == "high".

    expectedDowntimeMinutes integer

    The expected downtime in minutes or absent if no downtime is expected.

  • ]