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Get account log



Lists account log entries, paged by timestamp or by ID.

To request entries by time range, use the since and before parameters. To request entries by ID range, use the from and to parameters. Any combination of since, before, from and to can be used to restrict the requested range of entries.


Query Parameters

    since timestamp-milliseconds

    Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

    before timestamp-milliseconds

    Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

    from integer

    ID of the first entry (inclusive). IDs start at 1.

    to integer

    ID of the last entry (inclusive).

    sort string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: desc

    Order of events in response. asc = chronological, desc = reverse-chronological.

    info string

    Possible values: [futures trade, futures liquidation, assignor, assignee, unwind counterparty, unwind bankrupt, covered liquidation, funding rate change, conversion, interest payment, transfer, cross-exchange transfer]

    Type of entry to filter by. Only this type will be returned.

    count integer

    Default value: 500

    Amount of entries to be returned.


    accountUid uuidrequired

    UID of the account

    logs object[]required
  • Array [
  • asset stringrequired

    Asset related with the entry.

    booking_uid uuidrequired

    UID of the log entry.

    collateral stringnullrequired

    Currency of the associated entry.

    contract stringnullrequired
    date date-timerequired

    RFC 3339 formatted date-time

    execution uuidrequired

    UID of the associated execution.

    fee doublerequired

    Fee paid

    funding_rate doublerequired

    Absolute funding rate at time of entry.

    id int64required

    Possible values: >= 1

    Log entry ID.

    info stringrequired

    Possible values: [futures trade, liquidation, assignor, assignee, unwind counterparty, unwind bankrupt, covered liquidation, funding rate change, conversion, interest payment, transfer, cross-exchange transfer]

    Short description of the entry.

    margin_account stringrequired

    Name of the wallet associated with the entry.

    mark_price doublerequired

    Mark price at the time the trade was executed.

    new_average_entry_price doublerequired

    Average entry price of the position after this trade.

    new_balance doublerequired

    New balance of wallet or new size of the position after the described in info action.

    old_average_entry_price doublerequired

    Average entry price of the position prior to this trade.

    old_balance doublerequired

    Account balance before the described in info action.

    realized_funding doublerequired

    Funding realized due to change in position size or end of funding rate period.

    realized_pnl doublerequired

    PnL that is realized by reducing the position.

    trade_price doublerequired

    Price at which the trade was executed.

    conversion_spread_percentage doublerequired

    Percentage conversion spread used in a currency conversion.

    liquidation_fee doublerequired

    Liquidation fee associated with a liquidation/assignment entry.

    Not applicable for inverse futures.

  • ]