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Get trade history



This endpoint returns the most recent 100 trades prior to the specified lastTime value up to past 7 days or recent trading engine restart (whichever is sooner).

If no lastTime specified, it will return 100 most recent trades.


Query Parameters

    symbol string

    The symbol of the Futures.

    lastTime string

    Returns the last 100 trades from the specified lastTime value.


    serverTime string

    Server time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    result string

    Possible values: [success]

    history object[]

    A list containing structures with historical price information. The list is sorted descending by time.

  • Array [
  • price number

    For futures: The price of a fill

    For indices: The calculated value

    side stringnull

    The classification of the taker side in the matched trade: "buy" if the taker is a buyer, "sell" if the taker is a seller.

    size stringnull

    For futures: The size of a fill For indices: Not returned because N/A

    time string

    The date and time of a trade or an index computation

    For futures: The date and time of a trade. Data is not aggregated For indices: The date and time of an index computation. For real-time indices, data is aggregated to the last computation of each full hour. For reference rates, data is not aggregated

    trade_id int32

    For futures: A continuous index starting at 1 for the first fill in a Futures contract maturity For indices: Not returned because N/A

    type stringnull

    Possible values: [fill, liquidation, assignment, termination, block]

    The classification of the matched trade in an orderbook:

    • fill - it is a normal buyer and seller
    • liquidation - it is a result of a user being liquidated from their position
    • assignment - the fill is the result of a users position being assigned to a marketmaker
    • termination - it is a result of a user being terminated
    • block - it is an element of a block trade
    uid stringnull
    instrument_identification_type stringnull
    isin stringnull
    execution_venue stringnull
    price_notation stringnull
    price_currency stringnull
    notional_amount numbernull
    notional_currency stringnull
    publication_time stringnull
    publication_venue stringnull
    transaction_identification_code stringnull
    to_be_cleared booleannull
  • ]