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Ticker (Level 1)




The ticker channel streams level 1 market data, i.e. top of the book (best bid/offer) and recent trade data.

The feed accepts a list symbols for subscription and the updates are generated on trade events.

Subscribe Request


method string required
Value: subscribe
params object
channel string required
Value: ticker
symbol array of strings required
Example: ["BTC/USD", "MATIC/GBP"]
A list of currency pairs.
event_trigger string
Possible values: [bbo, trades]
Default value: trades
The book event that causes a new ticker update to be published on the channel.
  • bbo: on a change in the best-bid-offer price levels.
  • trades: on every trade.
snapshot boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: true
Request a snapshot after subscribing.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.

Snapshot / Update Response

The snapshot and update responses share the same schema. An update message is streamed on a trade event.


channel string
Value: ticker
type string
Possible values: [snapshot, update]
data array [
[0] ticker object
The ticker element is always the first and only item in the data payload.
ask float
Best ask price.
ask_qty float
Best ask quantity.
bid float
Best bid price.
bid_qty float
Best bid quantity.
change float
24-hour price change (in quote currency).
change_pct float
24-hour price change (in percentage points).
high float
24-hour highest trade price.
last float
Last traded price.
low float
24-hour lowest trade price.
symbol string
Example: "BTC/USD"
The symbol of the currency pair.
volume float
24-hour traded volume (in base currency terms).
vwap float
24-hour volume weighted average price.

Unsubscribe Request


method string required
Value: unsubscribe
params object
channel string required
Value: ticker
symbol array of strings required
Example: ["BTC/USD", "MATIC/GBP"]
A list of currency pairs.
event_trigger string
Possible values: [bbo, trades]
Default value: trades
The book event that causes a new ticker update to be published on the channel.
  • bbo: on a change in the best-bid-offer price levels.
  • trades: on every trade.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.