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Cancel on Disconnect



cancel_all_orders_afterAuthentication Required

cancel_all_orders_after provides a "Dead Man's Switch" mechanism to protect from network malfunction, extreme latency or unexpected matching engine downtime.

  • The client sends request with a timeout (in seconds), that will start a countdown timer in the trading engine which will cancel all client orders when the timer expires.
  • The client must keep sending new requests to reset the trigger time, or deactivate the mechanism by specifying a timeout of 0.
  • If the timer expires, all orders in the account are cancelled and the feature is disabled until the next cancel_all_orders_after request.
  • The recommended use is to make a call every 15 to 30 seconds, providing a timeout of 60 seconds. This allows the client to keep the orders in place in case of a brief disconnection or transient delay, while keeping them safe in case of a network breakdown.

It is recommended to disable the timer ahead of scheduled trading engine maintenance (if the timer is enabled, all orders will be cancelled when the trading engine comes back from downtime).



method string required
Value: cancel_all_orders_after
params object
timeout integer required
Duration (in seconds) to set/extend the timer, it should be less than 86400 seconds.
token string required
This is a authenticated channel, a session token is required. See guides on how to generate a token via REST.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.



method string
Value: cancel_all_orders_after
result object conditional
Condition: On successful requests only
currentTime string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The current engine time.
triggerTime string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The time the orders will be expired in the engine.
warnings array of strings
An advisory message, highlighting deprecated fields or upcoming changes to the request.
error string conditional
Condition: On unsuccessful requests only
The error message for a rejected request.
success boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Indicates if the request was successfully processed by the engine.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.
time_in string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the request was received on the wire, just prior to parsing data.
time_out string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the response was sent on the wire, just prior to transmitting data.