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The status channel provides a mechanism to verify exchange status and successful initial connection.

There is no option to directly request a status update, a status will be automatically generated on successful websocket connection and when the trading engine status changes.

Update Response


channel string
Value: status
type string
Value: update
data array [
[0] status object
The status element is always the first and only item in the data payload.
system string
Possible values: [online, cancel_only, maintenance, post_only]
The status of the trading engine.
  • online: Markets are operating normally - all order types may be submitted and order matching can occur.
  • maintenance: Markets are offline for scheduled maintenance - new orders cannot be placed and existing orders cannot be cancelled.
  • cancel_only: Orders can be cancelled but new orders cannot be placed. No order matching will occur.
  • post_only: Only limit orders using the post_only option can be submitted. Orders can be cancelled. No order matching will occur.
api_version string
Value: v2
The version of the websockets API.
connection_id integer
A unique connection identifier (for debugging).
version string
The version of the websockets service.