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Amend Order



amend_orderAuthentication Required

The amend request enables clients to modify the order parameters in-place without the need to cancel the existing order and create a new one.

  • The order identifiers assigned by Kraken and/or client will stay the same.
  • Queue priority in the order book will be maintained where possible.
  • If an amend request will reduce the order quantity below the existing filled quantity, the remaining quantity will be cancelled.

For more detail, see amend transaction guide.



method string required
Value: amend_order
params object
order_id string required
The Kraken identifier for the order to be amended. Either order_id or cl_ord_id is required.
cl_ord_id string
Example: 6d1b345e-2821-40e2-ad83-4ecb18a06876
The client identifier for the order to be amended. Either order_id or cl_ord_id is required.
order_qty float required
The new order quantity in terms of the base asset.
display_qty float conditional
Condition: iceberg orders only.
Defines the new quantity to show in the book while the rest of order quantity remains hidden.
Minimum value is 1 / 15 of remaining order quantity.
limit_price float conditional
Condition: For order types that support limit price only.
The new limit price restriction on the order, used in combination with the limit_price_type parameter.
limit_price_type string conditional
Condition: Currently only available on trailing-stop-limit orders.
Possible values: [static, pct, quote]
The units for limit_price:
  • static: a static market price for the asset, i.e. limit price at 29000.5 BTC/USD, use price=29000.5 and price_type=static.
  • pct: a percentage offset from the reference price, i.e. limit price when market rises by 5%, use price=5 and price_type=pct.
  • quote: a notional offset from the reference price in the quote currency, i.e, limit price when market drops by 150 USD, use price=-150 and price_type=quote.
static is the default for all order types except for trailing-stop-limit which has the default quote offset.
post_only boolean conditional
Condition: Optional parameter for limit price amends.
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: false
If true, the limit price change will be rejected if the order cannot be posted passively in the book.
trigger_price float conditional
Condition: For triggered order types only
The new trigger price to activate the order, used in combination with the trigger_price_type parameter.
trigger_price_type string conditional
Condition: For triggered order types only
Possible values: [static, pct, quote]
Default value: static
The units for trigger_price:
  • static: a static market price for the asset, i.e. to trigger at 29000.5 BTC/USD, use price=29000.5 and price_type=static.
  • pct: a percentage offset from the reference price, i.e. to trigger when price rises by 5%, use price=5 and price_type=pct.
  • quote: a notional offset from the reference price in the quote currency, i.e, to trigger when price drops by 150 USD, use price=-150 and price_type=quote.
deadline string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123Z
Range of valid offsets (from current time) is 500 milliseconds to 60 seconds, default is 5 seconds. The precision of this parameter is to the millisecond. The engine will prevent this order from matching after this time, it provides protection against latency on time sensitive orders.
token string required
This is a authenticated channel, a session token is required. See guides on how to generate a token via REST.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.


A successful amend request will return the unique Kraken amend identifier.


method string
Value: amend_order
result object conditional
Condition: On successful requests only
amend_id string
The unique Kraken identifier generated for this amend transaction.
order_id string
The Kraken identifier, if populated in the request.
cl_ord_id string
The client identifier, if populated in the request.
warnings array of strings
An advisory message, highlighting deprecated fields or upcoming changes to the request.
error string conditional
Condition: On unsuccessful requests only
The error message for a rejected request.
success boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Indicates if the request was successfully processed by the engine.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.
time_in string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the request was received on the wire, just prior to parsing data.
time_out string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the response was sent on the wire, just prior to transmitting data.