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Cancel All



cancel_allAuthentication Required

Cancels all open orders, including untriggered orders and orders resting in the book.

Note, the details of the individual cancelled orders will also be streamed on the executions channel.



method string required
Value: cancel_all
params object
token string required
This is a authenticated channel, a session token is required. See guides on how to generate a token via REST.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.



method string
Value: cancel_all
result object conditional
Condition: On successful requests only
count integer
Number of orders cancelled.
warnings array of strings
An advisory message, highlighting deprecated fields or upcoming changes to the request.
error string conditional
Condition: On unsuccessful requests only
The error message for a rejected request.
success boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Indicates if the request was successfully processed by the engine.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.
time_in string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the request was received on the wire, just prior to parsing data.
time_out string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The timestamp when the response was sent on the wire, just prior to transmitting data.