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balancesAuthentication Required

The balances channel streams client asset balances and transactions from the account ledger.

This channel contains account specific data, an authentication token is required in the request.

Subscribe Request


method string required
Value: subscribe
params object
channel string required
Value: balances
snapshot boolean
Possible values: [true, false]
Default value: true
Request a snapshot after subscribing.
token string required
This is a authenticated channel, a session token is required. See guides on how to generate a token via REST.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.

Snapshot Response

The snapshot provides the value of each asset held in this account.


channel string
Value: balances
type string
Value: snapshot
data array [
A list of assets held on account.
[many] asset object
asset string
The asset symbol code.
asset_class string
Value: currency
The asset class. A placeholder for future expansion.
balance float
The total amount of asset held across all wallet types.
wallets array [
A list of wallets for each asset.
[many] wallet object
balance float
Balance of asset in wallet.
type string
Possible values: [spot, earn]
Wallet type.
id string
Possible values: [main, flex, bonded, flexible, liquid, locked, closed]
Wallet identifier.

Update Response

An update will be streamed on each completed transaction to the client account.


channel string
Value: balances
type string
Value: update
data array [
A list of account ledger transactions for each asset.
[many] ledger_transaction object
asset string
The asset symbol code.
asset_class string
Value: currency
The asset class. A placeholder for future expansion.
amount float
The amount of asset change in this event.
balance float
The total amount of this asset held in account.
fee float
The fee paid on the transaction.
ledger_id string
The identifier for this account ledger entry.
ref_id string
A reference identifier in the context of this balance event. For example, ref_id will be the trade_id for a trade event.
timestamp string
Format: RFC3339
Example: 2022-12-25T09:30:59.123456Z
The time of the balance change.
type string
Possible values: [deposit, withdrawal, trade, margin, adjustment, rollover, credit, transfer, settled, staking, sale, reserve, conversion, dividend, reward, creator_fee]
The broad type of the balance event.
subtype string
Possible values: [spotfromfutures, spottofutures, stakingfromspot, spotfromstaking, stakingtospot, spottostaking]
The specific subtype of the balance event.
category string
Possible values: [deposit, withdrawal, trade, margin-trade, margin-settle, margin-conversion, conversion, credit, marginrollover, staking-rewards, instant, equity-trade, airdrop, equity-dividend, reward-bonus, nft, block-trade]
The categorization of the balance event.
wallet_type string
Possible values: [spot, earn]
Wallet type.
wallet_id string
Possible values: [main, bonded, flexible, liquid, locked]

The following combinations of wallet types and wallet identifiers are available:

Wallet type spot:
  • main: Primary spot pairs trading wallet.
Wallet type earn:
  • bonded: earn on-chain product with lockup period.
  • flexible: earn product without lockup period.
  • liquid: kraken rewards program, see support center.
  • locked: earn product (may or may not have a lockup period).

Unsubscribe Request


method string required
Value: unsubscribe
params object
channel string required
Value: balances
token string required
This is a authenticated channel, a session token is required. See guides on how to generate a token via REST.
req_id integer
Optional client originated request identifier sent as acknowledgment in the response.