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Spot REST Introduction

API Organisation

The Spot REST API is organised by function, covering a wide range of services:

Requests, Responses and Errors


Request payloads supports Json encoding (Content-Type: application/json) as well as form-encoded (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded). We recommend clients to specify User-Agent in the headers of all their requests. This will help us optimize interactions and improve the overall efficiency and security of the API.


Responses are JSON encoded and contain one or two top-level keys (result and error for successful requests or those with warnings, or only error for failed or rejected requests)



GET <>

Successful response:

"error": [],
"result": {
"status": "online",
"timestamp": "2021-03-22T17:18:03Z"

Error response:

"error": [
"EGeneral:Invalid arguments:ordertype"

Error Details

HTTP status codes are generally not used by our API to convey information about the state of requests and any errors or warnings are denoted in the error field of the response as described above. Status codes other than 200 indicate that there was an issue with the request reaching our servers.

error messages follow the general format <severity><category>:<error msg>

  • severity can be either E for error or W for warning
  • category can be one of General, Auth, API, Query, Order, Trade, Funding, or Service
  • error msg can be any text string that describes the reason for the error

Additional information can be found on our support center.