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Futures Websockets

Sign challenge

The subscribe and unsubscribe requests to WebSocket private feeds require a signed challenge message with the user api_secret.

The challenge is obtained as is shown in Section WebSocket API Public (using the api_key).

Authenticated requests must include both the original challenge message (original_challenge) and the signed (signed_challenge) in JSON format.


Challenge example


The challenge is a UUID string.

The steps to sign the challenge are the same as the steps to generate an authenticated HTTP request except for step 1 which now is just the challenge string:

  1. Hash the challenge with the SHA-256 algorithm
  2. Base64-decode your api_secret
  3. Use the result of step 2 to hash the result of step 1 with the HMAC-SHA-512 algorithm
  4. Base64-encode the result of step 3

The result of the step 4 is the signed challenge which will be included in the subscribe request.

The table below shows the expected output from example inputs:

signed output4JEpF3ix66GA2B+ooK128Ift4XQVtc137N9yeg4Kqsn9PI0Kpzbysl9M1IeCEdjg0zl00wkVqcsnG4bmnlMb3A==


Subscriptions requests are sent through a web socket connection.

To subscribe to a feed, a web socket connection is required to establish a connection using the following URL:


Keeping the connection alive

In order to keep the websocket connection alive, you will need to make a ping request at least every 60 seconds. You can see this in our sample implementation.

Snapshots and updates

For ease of use, most web socket feeds first send a snapshot of the history or current state and subsequently send real-time updates.


In order to subscription to a private feed, clients must pass a challenge which involves signing a message (see Section Sign Challenge) with the private API key. First, a message must be sent to request the challenge. Second, the solved challenge has to be passed in every subscribe and unsubscribe message that is sent.