The ticker feed returns ticker information about listed products. Only tradeable markets are available via individual WebSocket market data feeds. Delta messages are throttled such that they are published every 1s.
- Request Fields
- Example
event string required
or unsubscribe
feed string required
The requested subscription feed
product_ids list of strings required
A list of strings which represent the products that user will receive information upon.
"event": "subscribe",
"feed": "ticker",
"product_ids": ["PI_XBTUSD"]
Response Success
- Response Fields
- Successful
event string
The result,
or subscribed_failed
or unsubscribed
or unsubscribed_failed
feed string
The requested subscription feed
product_ids list of strings required
A list of strings which represent the products that user will receive information upon.
"event": "subscribed",
"feed": "ticker",
"product_ids": ["PI_XBTUSD"]
Response Snapshot
The subscription data will return values for all fields even if the value of only a single field has changed since the last payload.
- Response Fields
- Subscription Data
- Subscription Dat Options
time positive integer
The UTC time of the server in milliseconds
product_id string
The subscribed product (referred also as instrument or symbol).
funding_rate float
The current funding rate. If zero, field is not populated. (Perpetuals only)
funding_rate_prediction float
The estimated next funding rate. If zero, field is not populated. (Perpetuals only)
relative_funding_rate float
The absolute funding rate relative to the spot price at the time of funding rate calculation. If zero, field is not populated. (Perpetuals only)
relative_funding_rate_prediction float
The estimated next absolute funding rate relative to the current spot price. If zero, field is not populated. (Perpetuals only)
next_funding_rate_time float
The time until next funding rate in milliseconds. (Perpetuals only)
feed string
The subscribed feed.
bid positive float
The price of the current best bid.
ask positive float
The price of the current best ask.
bid_size positive float
The size of the current best bid.
ask_size positive float
The size of the current best ask.
volume positive float
The sum of the sizes of all fills observed in the last 24 hours.
dtm positive integer
The days until maturity.
leverage string
The leverage of the product.
index positive float
The real time index of the product.
last positive float
The price of the last fill.
change float
The 24h change in price.
suspended boolean
True if the market is suspended.
tag string
Currently can be
, month
or quarter
. Other tags may be added without notice..pair string
The currency pair of the instrument.
openInterest float
The current open interest of the instrument.
markPrice float
The market price of the instrument.
maturityTime positive integer
The UTC time, in milliseconds, at which the contract will stop trading.
post_only boolean
True if the market is in post-only.
volumeQuote positive float
The same as
except that, for multi-collateral futures, it is converted to the non-base currencyopen positive float
The first traded price in the last 24h.
high positive float
The highest traded price in the last 24h.
low positive float
The lowest traded price in the last 24h.
greeks structure
The current Greeks, if this is an option.
iv float
The option's implied volatility.
delta float
Delta, the option value's sensitivity to change in the underlying price.
theta float
Theta, the option value's sensitivity to the passage of time.
gamma float
Gamma, delta's sensitivity to change in the underlying price.
vega float
Vega, the option value's sensitivity to change in volatility.
rho float
Rho, the option value's sensitivity to the interest ratea.
"product_id": "PI_XBTUSD",
"funding_rate": -6.2604214e-11,
"funding_rate_prediction": -3.65989977e-10,
"relative_funding_rate": -1.380384722222e-6,
"relative_funding_rate_prediction": -8.047629166667e-6,
"next_funding_rate_time": 1676394000000,
"feed": "ticker",
"bid": 21978.5,
"ask": 21987.0,
"bid_size": 2536.0,
"ask_size": 13948.0,
"volume": 31403908.0,
"dtm": 0,
"leverage": "50x",
"index": 21984.54,
"premium": -0.0,
"last": 21983.5,
"change": 1.9974017538161748,
"suspended": false,
"tag": "perpetual",
"pair": "XBT:USD",
"openInterest": 30072580.0,
"markPrice": 21979.68641534714,
"maturityTime": 0,
"post_only": false,
"volumeQuote": 31403908.0
"open": 21968.5,
"high": 22123.0,
"low": 21456.0,
"product_id": "OF_ETHUSD_240101_1000_C",
"feed": "ticker",
"bid": 21978.5,
"ask": 21987.0,
"bid_size": 2536.0,
"ask_size": 13948.0,
"volume": 31403908.0,
"dtm": 0,
"index": 21984.54,
"last": 21983.5,
"change": 1.9974017538161748,
"suspended": false,
"tag": "month",
"pair": "ETH:USD",
"openInterest": 30072580.0,
"markPrice": 100.68641534714,
"maturityTime": 1676393235406,
"post_only": false,
"volumeQuote": 31403908.0,
"greeks": {
"iv": 0.3,
"delta": 0.5,
"gamma": 0.5,
"vega": 0.5,
"theta": 0.5,
"rho": 0.5
Response Error
- Response Fields
- Example Error
event string
Always error
message string
An error message out of:
Invalid product id
Invalid feed
Json Error
"event": "error",
"message": "Invalid product id"