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Reject - Business Level

If Kraken needs to reject a message before it reaches the Trading engine and get an orderId, the order, cancellation will be rejected using a Business level reject.


header required
MsgType j
45 - RefSeqNum integer required
Sequence number of the rejected message.
372 - RefMsgType char required
The MsgType 35 of the FIX message being referenced. .
379 - BusinessRejectRefID String required
The value of the CLORDID field on the message being rejected.
380 - BusinessRejectReason integer required
Code to identify reason for a Business Message Reject message
  • 0 : Others
  • 1 : Unknown ID
  • 2 : Unknown Instrument
  • 3 : Unsupported Message Type
  • 4 : Application not available
  • 5 : Conditionally Required Field Missing
  • 6 : Not Authorized
  • 101 : Unknown order
  • 104 : Order too old
58 - text integer
Full description for rejection.
trailer required