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Get portfolio transactions



Retrieve the transaction history for a specified vault.


Header Parameters

    x-vault-id stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 12 characters and <= 19 characters, Value must match regular expression (^V[A-Z2-7]{12}[ACEGIKMOQSUWY246]$|AA[A-Z0-9]{2} ?[A-Z0-9]{4} ?[A-Z0-9]{4} ?[A-Z0-9]{4})

    Vault ID or Vault IIBAN

    Example: VOBJAQBMOKYR3K or AA73 N84G ZI3B MCFQ


    nonce int64required

    Nonce used in construction of API-Sign header

    cursor stringnullable

    Continue paginating with a cursor

    quote objectnullable

    Quote amounts and fees in main transaction details in this currency (the quoting is a best effort job of getting the closest rate to the time of the transaction) by default the quoted fields are None

    Quoting isn't always available when its not a None will be returned as well.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]


Transactions retrieved.

    error object[]required
  • Array [
  • severity stringrequired

    Possible values: [E, W]

    API error severity.

    errorClass stringrequired
    type stringrequired
    errorMessage stringnullable
  • ]
  • result objectnullable
    transactions object[]required

    Transactions list

  • Array [
  • details object nullable

    Transaction details

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [simple_order]

    core objectrequired

    Ptl-like transaction details

    quote_id stringrequired

    PTL quote id

    trade_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [unspecified, buy, sell, convert]

    What type the trade is from the user's perspective

    funding_fee objectnullable

    Funding fee

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_funding_fee objectnullable

    Quoted funding fee

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    id stringrequired


    time stringrequired


    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [unspecified, deposit, withdrawal, trade, margin, adjustment, rollover, credit, transfer, transfer_peer_to_peer, settle, dividend, nft_trade, reward, nft_creator_fee, nft_rebate, nft_airdrop, simple_order, simple_order_failed, simple_order_with_deposit, custom_simple_order, custom_simple_order_failed, custom_simple_order_with_deposit, recurring_simple_order, recurring_simple_order_failed, recurring_simple_order_with_deposit, reserved_fee, fee_sweep, fee_sweep_dlt, reward_sweep, reward_sweep_old, interest_sweep, conversion, dust_sweep, futures_transfer, custody_transfer, deposit_action, withdrawal_action, legacy_staking_allocation, legacy_staking_deallocation, legacy_staking_reward, earn_legacy_migration, block_trade, equity_trade, earn_staking_allocation, earn_staking_deallocation, earn_staking_auto_allocation, earn_staking_reward, earn_oir_allocation, earn_oir_deallocation, earn_oir_auto_allocation, earn_oir_reward, custody_staking, custody_unstaking, custody_staking_reward, ic_settlement, credit_rollover, interest, airdrop, earn_oir_auto_deallocation, earn_staking_auto_deallocation, simple_order_opposite_side, bridge_simple_order, bridge_deposit, simple_order_deposit_action, otc_buy, otc_sell, bundle_trade, equity_fee, corporate_action, earn_base_reward, earn_base_auto_allocation, earn_base_auto_deallocation, user_account_transfer]


    category stringrequired

    Possible values: [unspecified, deposit, withdrawal, transfer, trade, margin_trade, margin_rollover, margin_settle, earn, earn_rewards, simple_trading, nft, block_trade, credit, equity_trade, equity_dividend, reward_bonus, conversion, reward, custody, legacy_staking, legacy_staking_rewards, equity_fee, corporate_action, other]


    area stringrequired

    Possible values: [unspecified, funding, transfer, spot_margin, equity, earn, simple_trading, custody, staking, nft, other]


    status stringnullable

    Possible values: [unspecified, in_progress, successful, failed]


    ref_id stringrequired

    Reference id 1

    ref_id2 stringnullable

    Reference id 2

    spend objectnullable

    Spend side

    ledger_id stringnullable

    Ledger Id

    time stringnullable


    subtype stringnullable

    Possible values: [unspecified, domain, invite_bonus, welcome_bonus, bonus]


    amount objectrequired


    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_amount objectnullable

    Quoted Amount

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    fee objectnullable


    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_fee objectnullable

    Quoted Fee

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    total objectnullable

    Total (total debit or credit including fees) only optional for backwards compatibility reasons

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_total objectnullable

    Quoted Total

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    balance objectnullable


    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    wallet object nullable

    Wallet information

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [spot]

    id stringrequired

    Possible values: [main, shorts, unknown]

    receive objectnullable

    Receive side

    ledger_id stringnullable

    Ledger Id

    time stringnullable


    subtype stringnullable

    Possible values: [unspecified, domain, invite_bonus, welcome_bonus, bonus]


    amount objectrequired


    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_amount objectnullable

    Quoted Amount

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    fee objectnullable


    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_fee objectnullable

    Quoted Fee

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    total objectnullable

    Total (total debit or credit including fees) only optional for backwards compatibility reasons

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    quoted_total objectnullable

    Quoted Total

    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    balance objectnullable


    amount stringrequired

    To be used as response value for Decimal amounts.

    asset stringrequired

    All result amounts will be expressed in units of this asset.

    class stringrequired

    Possible values: [currency, volume, forex, equity, equity_pair, nft]

    wallet object nullable

    Wallet information

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [spot]

    id stringrequired

    Possible values: [main, shorts, unknown]

  • ]
  • stats objectnullable

    Cursor statistics

    transactions_seen uint64nullable

    Transactions seen

    next_cursor stringnullable

    Next cursor
