Kraken Websockets API 1.9.2



This documentation site is being deprecated in favor of the new Kraken API Center. Please update any bookmarks as appropriate.

WebSockets API offers real-time market data updates. WebSockets is a bidirectional protocol offering fastest real-time data, helping you build real-time applications. The public message types presented below do not require authentication. Private-data messages can be subscribed on a separate authenticated endpoint.

Your use of the Kraken WebSockets API is subject to the Kraken Terms & Conditions, Privacy Notice, as well as all other applicable terms and disclosures made available on

General Considerations

Connection details

Connection details for production environment:

URL Description

Once the socket is open you can subscribe to a public channel by sending a subscribe request message.

Connection details for authenticated production access:

URL Description

Once the socket is open you can subscribe to private-data channels by sending an authenticated subscribe request message.

Connection details for Beta environment:

URL Description

Once the socket is open you can subscribe to a public channel by sending a subscribe request message.
Websockets Beta Documentation

Connection details for authenticated Beta access:

URL Description

Once the socket is open you can subscribe to private-data channels by sending an authenticated subscribe request message.
Websockets Beta Documentation


The API client must request an authentication "token" via the following REST API endpoint "GetWebSocketsToken" to connect to WebSockets Private endpoints. The token should be used within 15 minutes of creation. The token does not expire once a connection to a WebSockets API private message (openOrders or ownTrades) is maintained.

Endpoint URL:

The resulting token must be provided in the "token" field of any new private WebSocket feed subscription:

  "event": "subscribe",
    "name": "ownTrades",
    "token": "WW91ciBhdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbiB0b2tlbiBnb2VzIGhlcmUu"

Book Checksum

Each book update message will have a checksum value appended. The checksum is a CRC32 value based on the top 10 bids and 10 asks, and you can use it to verify that your data is correct and up to date by calculating the checksum independently and comparing it against the value provided.

Checksums will not be sent in book snapshot messages, but rather only in book update messages. In the following sample book update messages, note the checksum field appears in the last bid or ask map structure in the message.

Sample with asks only:

        "a": [
            ["0.05120", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493008"],
            ["0.05275", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493034"]
        "c": "974947235" <-- CRC32 checksum is here.

Sample with bids only:

        "b": [
            ["0.04765", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493008"],
            ["0.04940", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493034"]
        "c": "974947235" <-- CRC32 checksum is here.

Sample with both bids and asks:

        "a": [
            ["0.05120", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493008"],
            ["0.05275", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493034"]
        "b": [
            ["0.04765", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493008"],
            ["0.04940", "0.00000500", "1582905486.493034"]
        "c": "974947235" <-- CRC32 checksum is here.

Book Checksum Calculation

The checksum is computed by concatenating the top 10 bids and asks in the current book in a particular format and then taking the CRC32 checksum of that string. The price and volume values should be treated as a string and formatted and concatenated as follows.

Note: Processing order is important. First, the top ten ask price levels should be processed, sorted by price from low to high. Then, the top ten bid price levels should be processed, sorted by price from high to low. Note, the price levels will be received in the correct sort order from the exchange.

Consider you are subscribed at depth = 100 on the "book" channel and you receive the following book update message:

[ "0.05000", "0.00000304", "1582905487.439814" ]

This update should be processed as follows:

  1. Apply the update to your local copy of the book. The price level updates should be processed in the sequence of the array provided by the exchange. The sequence of the array is important - the last entries in array are the most recent. Do not sort by timestamp, as there can be multiple price level updates in a microsecond period.
  2. For each of the top ten ask price levels, sorted by price from low to high:
    1. Remove the decimal character, '.', from the price, i.e. "0.05000" -> "005000".
    2. Remove all leading zero characters from the price. i.e. "005000" -> "5000".
    3. Add the formatted price string to the concatenation.
    4. Repeat steps a-c above but for the volume.

    For example, the price level corresponding to the sample update above would be formatted as "5000304". Note the timestamp values are not used in this calculation.

  3. Repeat the above steps for the top ten bids, sorted by price from high to low.
  4. Feed the concatenated string as input to a CRC32 checksum function, storing the result.
  5. Cast the result (comprising 32 bits) as an unsigned 32-bit integer. This value can now be compared to the checksum received to ensure your local book is accurate.

For example, given the following book state:

"as": [
    [ "0.05005", "0.00000500", "1582905487.684110" ],
    [ "0.05010", "0.00000500", "1582905486.187983" ],
    [ "0.05015", "0.00000500", "1582905484.480241" ],
    [ "0.05020", "0.00000500", "1582905486.645658" ],
    [ "0.05025", "0.00000500", "1582905486.859009" ],
    [ "0.05030", "0.00000500", "1582905488.601486" ],
    [ "0.05035", "0.00000500", "1582905488.357312" ],
    [ "0.05040", "0.00000500", "1582905488.785484" ],
    [ "0.05045", "0.00000500", "1582905485.302661" ],
    [ "0.05050", "0.00000500", "1582905486.157467" ] ],
"bs": [
    [ "0.05000", "0.00000500", "1582905487.439814" ],
    [ "0.04995", "0.00000500", "1582905485.119396" ],
    [ "0.04990", "0.00000500", "1582905486.432052" ],
    [ "0.04980", "0.00000500", "1582905480.609351" ],
    [ "0.04975", "0.00000500", "1582905476.793880" ],
    [ "0.04970", "0.00000500", "1582905486.767461" ],
    [ "0.04965", "0.00000500", "1582905481.767528" ],
    [ "0.04960", "0.00000500", "1582905487.378907" ],
    [ "0.04955", "0.00000500", "1582905483.626664" ],
    [ "0.04950", "0.00000500", "1582905488.509872" ] ]

The checksum input should be as follows (newlines appear here for convenience only and should not be included):


The final unsigned CRC32 checksum value will then be "974947235".

Sequence Numbers

The private feeds "openOrders" and "ownTrades" both contain sequence numbers ("sequence") in their messages. These numbers are monotonically increasing integers, beginning at 1, that operate on a per-connection and per-feed basis. These are meant to help clients identify if they are, for any reason, dropping messages or receiving/processing messages in a different order than they were sent from our servers. Example payloads can be seen in the openOrders and ownTrades sections below.

Error Types

The following error messages are thrown as part of subscriptionStatus message.

The following error messages may be thrown for public data requests.

The following error messages may be thrown for private data requests. Segments in brackets ([]) indicate additional information that may or not be present in the error message.

General error messages will have the following structure. However, error responses related to particular requests such as subscriptionStatus, addOrder, cancelOrder may be returned in the appropriate response message type:

Name Type Description
event string error
errorMessage string Error detail message.
reqid integer Optional - client originated ID reflected in response message

Examples of payload

  "errorMessage": "Malformed request",
  "event": "error"
  "errorMessage":"Exceeded msg rate",
  "event": "error",
  "reqid": 42

Example API Clients

Below is sample code that can be referenced when writing your own API client. Please keep in mind that Payward nor the third party authors are responsible for losses due to bugs or improper use of the APIs. Payward has performed an initial review of the safety of the third party code before listing them but cannot vouch for any changes added since then. If you have concerns, please contact support.




















































Request. Client can ping server to determine whether connection is alive, server responds with pong. This is an application level ping as opposed to default ping in websockets standard which is server initiated


Name Type Description
event string
reqid integer Optional - client originated ID reflected in response message

Example of payload

  "event": "ping",
  "reqid": 42


Response. Server pong response to a ping to determine whether connection is alive. This is an application level pong as opposed to default pong in websockets standard which is sent by client in response to a ping


Name Type Description
event string
reqid integer Optional - matching client originated request ID

Example of payload

  "event": "pong",
  "reqid": 42


Publication: Server heartbeat sent if no subscription traffic within 1 second (approximately)


Name Type Description
event string

Example of payload

  "event": "heartbeat"


Publication: Status sent on connection or system status changes.


Name Type Description
connectionID integer Optional - Connection ID (will appear only in initial connection status message)
event string systemStatus
status string online|maintenance|cancel_only|limit_only|post_only
version string

Example of payload

  "connectionID": 8628615390848610000,
  "event": "systemStatus",
  "status": "online",
  "version": "1.0.0"


Request. Subscribe to a topic on a single or multiple currency pairs.


Name Type Description
event string subscribe
reqid integer Optional - client originated ID reflected in response message
pair array Optional - Array of currency pairs. Format of each pair is "A/B", where A and B are ISO 4217-A3 for standardized assets and popular unique symbol if not standardized.
subscription object
depth integer Optional - depth associated with book subscription in number of levels each side, default 10. Valid Options are: 10, 25, 100, 500, 1000
interval integer Optional - Time interval associated with ohlc subscription in minutes. Default 1. Valid Interval values: 1|5|15|30|60|240|1440|10080|21600
name string book|ohlc|openOrders|ownTrades|spread|ticker|trade|*, * for all available channels depending on the connected environment
ratecounter boolean Optional - whether to send rate-limit counter in updates (supported only for openOrders subscriptions; default = false)
snapshot boolean Optional - whether to send historical feed data snapshot upon subscription (supported only for ownTrades subscriptions; default = true)
token string Optional - base64-encoded authentication token for private-data endpoints
consolidate_taker boolean Optional - for ownTrades, whether to consolidate order fills by root taker trade(s), default = true. If false, all order fills will show separately.

Example of payload

  "event": "subscribe",
  "pair": [
  "subscription": {
    "name": "ticker"
  "event": "subscribe",
  "pair": [
  "subscription": {
    "interval": 5,
    "name": "ohlc"
  "event": "subscribe",
  "subscription": {
    "name": "ownTrades",
    "token": "WW91ciBhdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbiB0b2tlbiBnb2VzIGhlcmUu"


Request. Unsubscribe, can specify a channelID or multiple currency pairs.


Name Type Description
event string unsubscribe
reqid integer Optional - client originated ID reflected in response message
pair array Optional - Array of currency pairs. Format of each pair is "A/B", where A and B are ISO 4217-A3 for standardized assets and popular unique symbol if not standardized.
subscription object
depth integer Optional - depth associated with book subscription in number of levels each side, default 10. Valid Options are: 10, 25, 100, 500, 1000
interval integer Optional - Time interval associated with ohlc subscription in minutes. Default 1. Valid Interval values: 1|5|15|30|60|240|1440|10080|21600
name string book|ohlc|openOrders|ownTrades|spread|ticker|trade|*, * for all available channels depending on the connected environment
token string Optional - base64-encoded authentication token for private-data endpoints

Example of payload

  "event": "unsubscribe",
  "pair": [
  "subscription": {
    "name": "ticker"
  "channelID": 10001,
  "event": "unsubscribe"
  "event": "unsubscribe",
  "subscription": {
    "name": "ownTrades",
    "token": "WW91ciBhdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbiB0b2tlbiBnb2VzIGhlcmUu"


Response. Subscription status response to subscribe, unsubscribe or exchange initiated unsubscribe.


Name Type Description
channelName string Channel Name on successful subscription. For payloads 'ohlc' and 'book', respective interval or depth will be added as suffix.
event string
reqid integer Optional - matching client originated request ID
pair string Optional - Currency pair, applicable to public messages only
status string Status of subscription
subscription object
depth integer Optional - depth associated with book subscription in number of levels each side, default 10. Valid Options are: 10, 25, 100, 500, 1000
interval integer Optional - Time interval associated with ohlc subscription in minutes. Default 1. Valid Interval values: 1|5|15|30|60|240|1440|10080|21600
maxratecount integer Optional - max rate-limit budget. Compare to the ratecounter field in the openOrders updates to check whether you are approaching the rate limit.
name string book|ohlc|openOrders|ownTrades|spread|ticker|trade|*, * for all available channels depending on the connected environment
token string Optional - base64-encoded authentication token for private-data endpoints
OneOf oneOf
errorMessage string Error message
channelID integer Channel ID on successful subscription, applicable to public messages only - deprecated, use channelName and pair

Example of payload

  "channelID": 10001,
  "channelName": "ticker",
  "event": "subscriptionStatus",
  "pair": "XBT/EUR",
  "status": "subscribed",
  "subscription": {
    "name": "ticker"
  "channelID": 10001,
  "channelName": "ohlc-5",
  "event": "subscriptionStatus",
  "pair": "XBT/EUR",
  "reqid": 42,
  "status": "unsubscribed",
  "subscription": {
    "interval": 5,
    "name": "ohlc"
  "channelName": "ownTrades",
  "event": "subscriptionStatus",
  "status": "subscribed",
  "subscription": {
    "name": "ownTrades"
  "errorMessage": "Subscription depth not supported",
  "event": "subscriptionStatus",
  "pair": "XBT/USD",
  "status": "error",
  "subscription": {
    "depth": 42,
    "name": "book"


Publication: Ticker information on currency pair.


Name Type Description
channelID integer Channel ID of subscription - deprecated, use channelName and pair
(Anonymous) object
a array Ask
price decimal Best ask price
wholeLotVolume integer Whole lot volume
lotVolume decimal Lot volume
b array Bid
price decimal Best bid price
wholeLotVolume integer Whole lot volume
lotVolume decimal Lot volume
c array Close
price decimal Price
lotVolume decimal Lot volume
v array Volume
today decimal Value today
last24Hours decimal Value over last 24 hours
p array Volume weighted average price
today decimal Value today
last24Hours decimal Value over last 24 hours
t array Number of trades
today integer Value today
last24Hours integer Value over last 24 hours
l array Low price
today decimal Value today
last24Hours decimal Value over last 24 hours
h array High price
today decimal Value today
last24Hours decimal Value over last 24 hours
o array Open Price
today decimal Value today
last24Hours decimal Value over last 24 hours
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
pair string Asset pair

Example of payload

    "a": [
    "b": [
    "c": [
    "h": [
    "l": [
    "o": [
    "p": [
    "t": [
    "v": [


Publication: Open High Low Close (Candle) feed for a currency pair and interval period.

Description: When subscribed for OHLC, a snapshot of the last valid candle (irrespective of the endtime) will be sent, followed by updates to the running candle. For example, if a subscription is made to 1 min candle and there have been no trades for 5 mins, a snapshot of the last 1 min candle from 5 mins ago will be published. The endtime can be used to determine that it is an old candle.


Name Type Description
channelID integer Channel ID of subscription - deprecated, use channelName and pair
Array array
time decimal Candle last update time, in seconds since epoch
etime decimal End time of interval, in seconds since epoch
open decimal Open price of interval
high decimal High price within interval
low decimal Low price within interval
close decimal Close price of interval
vwap decimal Volume weighted average price within interval
volume decimal Accumulated volume within interval
count integer Number of trades within interval
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
pair string Asset pair

Example of payload



Publication: Trade feed for a currency pair.


Name Type Description
channelID integer Channel ID of subscription - deprecated, use channelName and pair
Array array
Array array
price decimal Price
volume decimal Volume
time decimal Time, seconds since epoch
side string Triggering order side, buy/sell
orderType string Triggering order type market/limit
misc string Miscellaneous
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
pair string Asset pair

Example of payload



Publication: Spread feed for a currency pair.


Name Type Description
channelID integer Channel ID of subscription - deprecated, use channelName and pair
Array array
bid decimal Bid price
ask decimal Ask price
timestamp decimal Time, seconds since epoch
bidVolume decimal Bid Volume
askVolume decimal Ask Volume
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
pair string Asset pair

Example of payload



Publication: Order book levels. On subscription, a snapshot will be published at the specified depth, following the snapshot, level updates will be published

Snapshot payload

Name Type Description
channelID integer Channel ID of subscription - deprecated, use channelName and pair
(Anonymous) object
as array Array of price levels, ascending from best ask
Array array Anonymous array of level values
price decimal Price level
volume decimal Price level volume, for updates volume = 0 for level removal/deletion
timestamp decimal Price level last updated, seconds since epoch
bs array Array of price levels, descending from best bid
Array array Anonymous array of level values
price decimal Price level
volume decimal Price level volume, for updates volume = 0 for level removal/deletion
timestamp decimal Price level last updated, seconds since epoch
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
pair string Asset pair

Example of snapshot payload

    "as": [
    "bs": [

Update payload

Name Type Description
channelID integer Channel ID of subscription - deprecated, use channelName and pair
AnyOf anyOf
(Anonymous) object Container for ask updates
a array Ask array of level updates
(Array) array Anonymous array of level values
price decimal Price level
volume decimal Price level volume, for updates volume = 0 for level removal/deletion
timestamp decimal Price level last updated, seconds since epoch
updateType string Optional - "r" in case update is a republished update
c string Optional - Book checksum as a quoted unsigned 32-bit integer, present only within the last update container in the message. See calculation details.
(Anonymous) object Container for bid updates
b array Bid array of level updates
(Array) array Anonymous array of level values
price decimal Price level
volume decimal Price level volume, for updates volume = 0 for level removal/deletion
timestamp decimal Price level last updated, seconds since epoch
updateType string Optional - "r" in case update is a republished update
c string Optional - Book checksum as a quoted unsigned 32-bit integer, present only within the last update container in the message. See calculation details.
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
pair string Asset pair

Example of update payload

    "a": [
    "c": "974942666"
    "b": [
    "c": "974942666"
    "a": [
    "b": [
    "c": "974942666"

Example of republish payload

    "a": [
    "c": "974942666"


Publication: Own trades. On subscription last 50 trades for the user will be sent, followed by new trades.


Name Type Description
(Dictionary) object
tradeid object Trade object
ordertxid string order responsible for execution of trade
postxid string Position trade id
pair string Asset pair
time decimal unix timestamp of trade
type string type of order (buy/sell)
ordertype string order type
price decimal average price order was executed at (quote currency)
cost decimal total cost of order (quote currency)
fee decimal total fee (quote currency)
vol decimal volume (base currency)
margin decimal initial margin (quote currency)
userref integer user reference ID
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
(Anonymous) object
sequence integer sequence number for ownTrades subcription

Example of payload

      "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY": {
        "cost": "1000000.00000",
        "fee": "1600.00000",
        "margin": "0.00000",
        "ordertxid": "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY",
        "ordertype": "limit",
        "pair": "XBT/EUR",
        "postxid": "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX",
        "price": "100000.00000",
        "time": "1560516023.070651",
        "type": "sell",
        "vol": "1000000000.00000000"
      "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY": {
        "cost": "1000000.00000",
        "fee": "600.00000",
        "margin": "0.00000",
        "ordertxid": "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY",
        "ordertype": "limit",
        "pair": "XBT/EUR",
        "postxid": "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX",
        "price": "100000.00000",
        "time": "1560516023.070658",
        "type": "buy",
        "vol": "1000000000.00000000"
      "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY": {
        "cost": "1000000.00000",
        "fee": "1600.00000",
        "margin": "0.00000",
        "ordertxid": "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY",
        "ordertype": "limit",
        "pair": "XBT/EUR",
        "postxid": "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX",
        "price": "100000.00000",
        "time": "1560520332.914657",
        "type": "sell",
        "vol": "1000000000.00000000"
      "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY": {
        "cost": "1000000.00000",
        "fee": "600.00000",
        "margin": "0.00000",
        "ordertxid": "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY",
        "ordertype": "limit",
        "pair": "XBT/EUR",
        "postxid": "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX",
        "price": "100000.00000",
        "time": "1560520332.914664",
        "type": "buy",
        "vol": "1000000000.00000000"
    "sequence": 2948


Publication: Open orders. Feed to show all the open orders belonging to the authenticated user. Initial snapshot will provide list of all open orders and then any updates to the open orders list will be sent. For status change updates, such as 'closed', the fields orderid and status will be present in the payload.

The following order cancel reasons may appear in the openOrders feed:


Name Type Description
(Dictionary) object
orderid object Order object
refid string Referral order transaction id that created this order
userref integer user reference ID
status string status of order
opentm decimal unix timestamp of when order was placed
starttm decimal unix timestamp of order start time (if set)
display_volume decimal Optional dependent on whether order type is iceberg - the visible quantity for iceberg order types
display_volume_remain decimal Optional dependent on whether order type is iceberg - the visible quantity remaing in the order for iceberg order types
expiretm string unix timestamp of order end time (if set)
contingent object conditional close order info (if conditional close set)
ordertype string conditional close order type
price decimal primary price of the conditional close order
price2 decimal secondary price of the conditional close order
oflags string Optional - comma delimited list of order flags, of the conditional close order viqc = volume in quote currency, fcib = prefer fee in base currency, fciq = prefer fee in quote currency, nompp = no market price protection, post = post only order (available when ordertype = limit)
descr object order description info
pair string asset pair
position string Optional - position ID (if applicable)
type string type of order (buy/sell)
ordertype string order type
price decimal primary price
price2 decimal secondary price
leverage decimal amount of leverage
order string order description
close string conditional close order description (if conditional close set)
lastupdated decimal unix timestamp of last change (for updates)
vol decimal volume of order (base currency unless viqc set in oflags)
vol_exec decimal total volume executed so far (base currency unless viqc set in oflags)
cost decimal total cost (quote currency unless unless viqc set in oflags)
fee decimal total fee (quote currency)
avg_price decimal average price (cumulative; quote currency unless viqc set in oflags)
stopprice decimal stop price (quote currency, for trailing stops)
limitprice decimal triggered limit price (quote currency, when limit based order type triggered)
misc string comma delimited list of miscellaneous info: stopped=triggered by stop price, touched=triggered by touch price, liquidation=liquidation, partial=partial fill
oflags string Optional - comma delimited list of order flags. viqc = volume in quote currency, fcib = prefer fee in base currency, fciq = prefer fee in quote currency, nompp = no market price protection, post = post only order (available when ordertype = limit)
timeinforce string Optional - time in force.
cancel_reason string Optional - cancel reason, present for all cancellation updates (status="canceled") and for some close updates (status="closed")
ratecount integer Optional - rate-limit counter, present if requested in subscription request. See Trading Rate Limits.
channelName string Channel Name of subscription
(Anonymous) object
sequence integer sequence number for openOrders subcription

Example of payload

      "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX": {
        "avg_price": "34.50000",
        "cost": "0.00000",
        "descr": {
          "close": "",
          "leverage": "0:1",
          "order": "sell 10.00345345 XBT/EUR @ limit 34.50000 with 0:1 leverage",
          "ordertype": "limit",
          "pair": "XBT/EUR",
          "price": "34.50000",
          "price2": "0.00000",
          "type": "sell"
        "expiretm": "0.000000",
        "fee": "0.00000",
        "limitprice": "34.50000",
        "misc": "",
        "oflags": "fcib",
        "opentm": "0.000000",
        "refid": "OKIVMP-5GVZN-Z2D2UA",
        "starttm": "0.000000",
        "status": "open",
        "stopprice": "0.000000",
        "userref": 0,
        "vol": "10.00345345",
        "vol_exec": "0.00000000"
      "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX": {
        "avg_price": "5334.60000",
        "cost": "0.00000",
        "descr": {
          "close": "",
          "leverage": "0:1",
          "order": "sell 0.00000010 XBT/EUR @ limit 5334.60000 with 0:1 leverage",
          "ordertype": "limit",
          "pair": "XBT/EUR",
          "price": "5334.60000",
          "price2": "0.00000",
          "type": "sell"
        "expiretm": "0.000000",
        "fee": "0.00000",
        "limitprice": "5334.60000",
        "misc": "",
        "oflags": "fcib",
        "opentm": "0.000000",
        "refid": "OKIVMP-5GVZN-Z2D2UA",
        "starttm": "0.000000",
        "status": "open",
        "stopprice": "0.000000",
        "userref": 0,
        "vol": "0.00000010",
        "vol_exec": "0.00000000"
      "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX": {
        "avg_price": "90.40000",
        "cost": "0.00000",
        "descr": {
          "close": "",
          "leverage": "0:1",
          "order": "sell 0.00001000 XBT/EUR @ limit 90.40000 with 0:1 leverage",
          "ordertype": "limit",
          "pair": "XBT/EUR",
          "price": "90.40000",
          "price2": "0.00000",
          "type": "sell"
        "expiretm": "0.000000",
        "fee": "0.00000",
        "limitprice": "90.40000",
        "misc": "",
        "oflags": "fcib",
        "opentm": "0.000000",
        "refid": "OKIVMP-5GVZN-Z2D2UA",
        "starttm": "0.000000",
        "status": "open",
        "stopprice": "0.000000",
        "userref": 0,
        "vol": "0.00001000",
        "vol_exec": "0.00000000"
      "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX": {
        "avg_price": "9.00000",
        "cost": "0.00000",
        "descr": {
          "close": "",
          "leverage": "0:1",
          "order": "sell 0.00001000 XBT/EUR @ limit 9.00000 with 0:1 leverage",
          "ordertype": "limit",
          "pair": "XBT/EUR",
          "price": "9.00000",
          "price2": "0.00000",
          "type": "sell"
        "expiretm": "0.000000",
        "fee": "0.00000",
        "limitprice": "9.00000",
        "misc": "",
        "oflags": "fcib",
        "opentm": "0.000000",
        "refid": "OKIVMP-5GVZN-Z2D2UA",
        "starttm": "0.000000",
        "status": "open",
        "stopprice": "0.000000",
        "userref": 0,
        "vol": "0.00001000",
        "vol_exec": "0.00000000"
    "sequence": 234

Example of status-change payload

      "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX": {
        "status": "closed"
      "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX": {
        "status": "closed"
    "sequence": 59342


Request. Add new order.


Name Type Description
event string addOrder
token string Session token string
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
ordertype string Order type - market|limit|stop-loss|take-profit|trailing-stop|stop-loss-limit|take-profit-limit|settle-position|trailing-stop-limit
type string Side, buy or sell
pair string Currency pair
price decimal Optional dependent on order type - order price
price2 decimal Optional dependent on order type - order secondary price
volume decimal Order volume in base currency
leverage integer amount of leverage desired (optional; default = none)
reduce_only boolean If true, order will only reduce a currently open position, not increase it or open a new position (optional; default = false)
oflags string Optional - comma delimited list of order flags. viqc = volume in quote currency, fcib = prefer fee in base currency, fciq = prefer fee in quote currency, nompp = no market price protection, post = post only order (available when ordertype = limit)
starttm string Optional - scheduled start time. 0 = now (default) +<n> = schedule start time <n> seconds from now <n> = unix timestamp of start time
expiretm string Optional - expiration time. 0 = no expiration (default) +<n> = expire <n> seconds from now <n> = unix timestamp of expiration time
deadline string Optional - RFC3339 timestamp (e.g. 2021-04-01T00:18:45Z). Range of valid offsets from now: 500 milliseconds to 60 seconds, default is 5 seconds. The engine will prevent this order from matching after this time, it provides protection against latency on time sensitive orders.
userref string Optional - user reference ID (should be an integer in quotes)
validate string Optional - validate inputs only; do not submit order
close[ordertype] string Optional - close order type.
close[price] decimal Optional - close order price.
close[price2] decimal Optional - close order secondary price.
timeinforce string Optional - time in force. Supported values include GTC (good-til-cancelled; default), IOC (immediate-or-cancel), GTD (good-til-date; expiretm must be specified).

Example of payload

  "event": "addOrder",
  "ordertype": "limit",
  "pair": "XBT/USD",
  "price": "9000",
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "type": "buy",
  "volume": "10.123"

Example of payload when conditional close order is sent

  "close[ordertype]": "limit",
  "close[price]": "9100",
  "event": "addOrder",
  "ordertype": "limit",
  "pair": "XBT/USD",
  "price": "9000",
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "type": "buy",
  "volume": "10"

Response payload

Name Type Description
event string addOrderStatus
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
status string Status. "ok" or "error"
txid string order ID (if successful)
descr string order description info (if successful)
errorMessage string error message (if unsuccessful)

Example of payload

  "descr": "buy 0.01770000 XBTUSD @ limit 4000",
  "event": "addOrderStatus",
  "status": "ok",
  "txid": "ONPNXH-KMKMU-F4MR5V"
  "errorMessage": "EOrder:Order minimum not met",
  "event": "addOrderStatus",
  "status": "error"


Request. Edit open order


Name Type Description
event string editOrder
token string Session token string
orderid string Original Order ID or userref.
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
pair string Currency pair
price decimal Optional dependent on order type - order price
price2 decimal Optional dependent on order type - order secondary price
volume decimal Order volume in base currency
oflags string Optional - comma delimited list of order flags. post = post only order (available when ordertype = limit)
newuserref string Optional - user reference ID for new order (should be an integer in quotes)
validate string Optional - validate inputs only; do not submit order

Example of payload

  "event": "editOrder",
  "newuserref": "666",
  "oflags": "",
  "orderid": "O26VH7-COEPR-YFYXLK",
  "pair": "XBT/USD",
  "price": "9000",
  "reqid": 3,
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Response payload

Name Type Description
event string editOrderStatus
txid string order ID (if successful)
originaltxid string order ID (if successful)
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
status string Status. "ok" or "error"
descr string order description info (if successful)
errorMessage string error message (if unsuccessful)

Example of payload

  "descr": "order edited price = 9000.00000000",
  "event": "editOrderStatus",
  "originaltxid": "O65KZW-J4AW3-VFS74A",
  "reqid": 3,
  "status": "ok",
  "txid": "OTI672-HJFAO-XOIPPK"


Request. Cancel order or list of orders.

For every cancelOrder message, an update message 'cancelOrderStatus' is sent. For multiple orderid in cancelOrder, multiple update messages for 'cancelOrderStatus' will be sent.

For example, if a cancelOrder request is sent for cancelling three orders [A, B, C], then if two update messages for 'cancelOrderStatus' are received along with an error such as 'EOrder: Unknown order', then it would imply that the third order is not cancelled. The error message could be different based on the condition which was not met by the 'cancelOrder' request.


Name Type Description
event string cancelOrder
token string Session token string
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
txid array Array of order IDs to be canceled. These can be user reference IDs.

Example of payload

  "event": "cancelOrder",
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "txid": [

Response payload

Name Type Description
event string cancelOrderStatus
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
status string Status. "ok" or "error"
errorMessage string error message (if unsuccessful)

Example of payload

  "event": "cancelOrderStatus",
  "status": "ok"
  "errorMessage": "EOrder:Unknown order",
  "event": "cancelOrderStatus",
  "status": "error"


Request. Cancel all open orders. Includes partially-filled orders.


Name Type Description
event string cancelAll
token string Session token string
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response

Example of payload

  "event": "cancelAll",
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Response payload

Name Type Description
event string cancelAllStatus
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
count integer Number of orders cancelled.
status string Status. "ok" or "error"
errorMessage string error message (if unsuccessful)

Example of payload

  "count": 2,
  "event": "cancelAllStatus",
  "status": "ok"



cancelAllOrdersAfter provides a "Dead Man's Switch" mechanism to protect the client from network malfunction, extreme latency or unexpected matching engine downtime. The client can send a request with a timeout (in seconds), that will start a countdown timer which will cancel *all* client orders when the timer expires. The client has to keep sending new requests to push back the trigger time, or deactivate the mechanism by specifying a timeout of 0. If the timer expires, all orders are cancelled and then the timer remains disabled until the client provides a new (non-zero) timeout.

The recommended use is to make a call every 15 to 30 seconds, providing a timeout of 60 seconds. This allows the client to keep the orders in place in case of a brief disconnection or transient delay, while keeping them safe in case of a network breakdown. It is also recommended to disable the timer ahead of regularly scheduled trading engine maintenance (if the timer is enabled, all orders will be cancelled when the trading engine comes back from downtime - planned or otherwise).


Name Type Description
event string cancelAllOrdersAfter
token string Session token string
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
timeout integer Timeout specified in seconds. 0 to disable the timer.

Example of payload

  "event": "cancelAllOrdersAfter",
  "reqid": 1608543428050,
  "timeout": 60,
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  "event": "cancelAllOrdersAfter",
  "reqid": 1608543428051,
  "timeout": 0,
  "token": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Response payload

Name Type Description
event string cancelAllOrdersAfterStatus
reqid integer Optional - client originated requestID sent as acknowledgment in the message response
status string Status. "ok" or "error"
currentTime string Timestamp (RFC3339) reflecting when the request has been handled (second precision, rounded up)
triggerTime string Timestamp (RFC3339) reflecting the time at which all open orders will be cancelled, unless the timer is extended or disabled (second precision, rounded up)
errorMessage string error message (if unsuccessful)

Example of payload

  "currentTime": "2020-12-21T09:37:09Z",
  "event": "cancelAllOrdersAfterStatus",
  "reqid": 1608543428050,
  "status": "ok",
  "triggerTime": "2020-12-21T09:38:09Z"
  "currentTime": "2020-12-21T09:37:09Z",
  "event": "cancelAllOrdersAfterStatus",
  "reqid": 1608543428051,
  "status": "ok",
  "triggerTime": "0"